
Who financed Adolf Hitler in his bid for world conquest Facts please and not My dad said ?

by  |  earlier

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My dad used to tell me the Hotten tots came from Papua New Guinea i never beleived him again after getting an "F" at school so why would i believe your dad




  1. I bet your dad told you that the Great Wall of China was built to keep the rabbits out.

  2. Several of the other answers are correct, but Hitler also financed his wars through plunder.  The Germans basically stole the national wealth of the countries they conquered.  They took gold, raw materials and resources for industry, grain, and even works of art from museums.  

  3. initially his politcs appealed to big business and industry in Germany so they gave him money for his campaign and he also wrote Mein Kampf which made him very wealthy. This along with party contributions allowed him to operate a major party. Once his party took over he doesn't need financing anymore, he wants the luftwaffe to build more planes, they will build more planes on the governments reichmark.

  4. Initially Germany financed Hitlers war, once he started sending the Jews to concentration camps he used what he took from them to fund his bid for world domination.

    By the time Hitler came along, the Hottentots were long gone, they were around during the revolutionary war, and they were german mercenaries.  

  5. You may find additional interesting info. here.

    file:///F|/irving/Ein Kampf/mein kampf first.htm.

    I have it as a pdf on file.  Let me know if it the link doesn't work.

    This is the complete book, Mein Kampf.

  6. IG Farben

    Krupp Steel Company


    Bavarian Motor Works

    Those are a few companies that financed and supported the n**i party.

  7. Get compressed timeline, articles and even eye-witness accounts here: Go to the Leap Over Web Clutter section. They should have that info.

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