
Who finds risk the board game unenjoyable?

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every time me and my brothers play we end up fighting about how we rolled the dice its so g*y. it is not enjoyable and we just fight and get angry




  1. Sometimes it's not just the game, but who you are paying with.  Bad sports can ruin perfectly good board games.  Risk can be fun as well as challenging.

  2. I love Risk it is the greatest board game ever, it helps me train for the future

  3. RIsk is awesome. I don't see why you need to argue about rolling the dice though. I usually argue about the territories though i know there's not much of a point. lol Risk is awesome anyways and i think it's the best game

  4. zzzzzz

  5. i like it on the computer its fun. heres the only free download of it on the internet. not the trial either.

  6. not me i fully love that game!1me and my uncle play it all the time.(i always win)

  7. It fully depends on your opinion is. I never played Risk before, but it sounds like you guys are having a bit of trouble. Roll the dice any way you want, but if your brother is cheating somehow, agree to roll it a different way. How do you play


  8. I happen to love the game. Only strategist understabd the game. To become one takes practice. You need to play w/ other people instead of your bro (and him too) to get an idea of how its played.

    Or maybe you and your brother aren't old enough to play the game (not trying to be insulting, but I don't know how old you two are), if this is true try something a little more your speed like Clue or Candyland.

  9. me i dont..

    i enjoy playing board games, maybe you're not playing your true field for you not to enjoy it..

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