
Who first envisioned the concept of the internet?

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I am curious as to the earliest known suggestion of the concept of the interned www. Was it a Science Fiction writer, a scientist, Nostradamus? (Lol). Thanks!




  1. My only guess is Bill Gates, because he invented the computer, and it makes sense to me.

  2. ...those who wants to surf???!!

  3. In the beginning there was DARPANET and ARPANET, developed by the government for communication and educational purposes.

  4. Actually the military developed it as an alternative comand and control communication.  It was conceived as a way to retain communications as part of a survivability plan in the aftermath of a nuclear war.  

    BTW, they discarded it after their study showed serious short-comings in the ways they intended to employ the system.

  5. i do believe it was originally developed for military purposes

  6. I'm just going off the top of my head so I can't give any names but I believe it was a few  scientists who wanted a way to exchange data so it could be convenient. (The idea, not the the people who had the technology to actually create it, which Stretch had answered on point!)

    I think the first computer filled up more than one entire room, and it was located at a university (it still exists).

    Also, here is an excerpt from the article I posted as a link below:

    "Mr. Engelbart had an epiphany in 1950, in which he imagined what would decades later become today's Internet-connected PC. He set about building it. At the time he had no idea of how he would build such a machine, but it soon became clear that it would require a computer that did not yet exist."

    Check it out:

  7. Well if you ask him Al Gore started the internet (yes he did say that in a speech)  

    Try checking wikipedia

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