
Who gave Ted Kennedy his brain Tumor?

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I bet it was the Cubans or the mafia, but their is no way I will believe the naturally occuring malady theory.




  1. He is 76 years old.  With his lifestyle he wasn't getting off scott free forever. Maybe it was Jack or Bobby?

  2. Well Im sure all the late night work he does as a senator did help to give him some horific headaches as well as the medicidal alchol he could be consuming.  His survival rate at his age is 4.9%,

  3. It was himself.

  4. I don't know if he has a brain tumor.  Where did you get yours?

  5. I know three men who died of cancer of the brain.  None of them were rich or famous and none of them had as good health care or (free forever) health coverage.  Of course, if you don't trust either Clinton, you just might think.....

  6. I don't know who gave it to him, but given Hillary's arsenal of hail Mary campaign pitches, I'm guessing she's going to point to it as the reason that Kennedy came out for Obama!

  7. This is the fastest conspiracy theory I have heard in a long time, and one of the least credible.

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