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5. Would you continue state funding for the proposed Knik Arm and Gravina Island bridges?


Yes. I would like to see Alaska's infrastructure projects built sooner rather than later. The window is now--while our congressional delegation is in a strong position to assist.




  1. so what

  2. And that is NOT evidence of 3rd term Bush.  Almost as bad as the Shame on you quote. lol.

  3. Sarah Paylin the big hypocrite. She's waffling on the Bridge to Nowhere, after Stevens gort exposed, she might be next

  4. Who cares?  Is this the best you have?

  5. Palin, concerning the famous "Bridge to Nowhere."

  6. Absolutely Sarah Palin.  

  7. did palin support the bridge to nowhere? i thought that project got the ashole that supported it the boot... forgive me for not being a zillion percent on alaska, but i think yer shitting on the last guy's door

  8. David Axelrod

  9. Who said I attended Dr. Wright's church for 20 years but never heard him give a hateful message like the God Dam* America?  

    Who got a real sweet deal on property from insider Tony Resko?

    PS.  Jury selection just began.  Link below

  10. Tis the first known flip-flop from Palin and she is just getting started.

  11. Palin did.  I thought she was making a big deal about canceling it wasn't she?  What's up with that?

  12. Yes....that is state funding, not federal funding.   Where it belongs.  

  13. Ted Kennedy

  14. who was the one who shot it down,lol!

  15. Just tell them to keep off Canadian turf or we'll whip their A.S.S.!!!!!!

  16. Palin.

    Do we really want a Vice President who pisses away tax dollars like the infamous "Bridge to Nowhere" in Alaska - which the citizens have been screaming and railing against for YEARS??

    Do you really want a Vice President who does the EXACT OPPOSITE of what her constituents ask for?

  17. I don't know if that's true, but if it is I want her to run for President...

  18. Palin?

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