
Who get hurt most in you opinion

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the parnents of a paedophile or the parents of the victim




  1. parents of the pervs victim, are you stuppid

    or summit, stoopid question to ask.

  2. Usually the parents of the victim but I suspect the parents of the perpetrator can suffer as much.

  3. The parents of the victim would'nt be as hurt if it was done by someone they did'nt know, more angry, shocked. And then hurt. XD

    The parents of the pedo would be hurt if they tried to bring he/she up with respect and treated people properly.

  4. both probably. maybe the parents of the convicted didn't bring them up to be like that. they have feelings too. also the family af the victim will obviously get hurt a lot. but i have sympathy for both. i don't give a **** for the pedo. burn in h**l is what i say

  5. Well definitely the parents of the paedophile, they feel terrible for what their own son did, and victims parents will hopefully forget that ever happened

  6. What I think most people don't realize is that perps are most often themselves victims.  So it's really hard to say, since often perps were victimized by parents, who themselves were victimized, and so on and so forth.

  7. thats one of the most intelligent questions ive seen on here, i would say the pain would be equal on both sides.

    ps stormy, just answer the mans question, we all know the victim hurts the most, that goes without saying, but the question was regarding other people who get hurt from the domino effect!

  8. Don't be so stupid.

    The victim themselves gets most hurt. Then their family.

    I couldn't give a flying F for the family of a paedo.

  9. The victim, then the parents of the victim & then the parents of the paedophile.

    i much preferred your old name & rainbow avatar...btw.

  10. The parents of the victim

  11. parents of a victim  :)

  12. How is it possible to measure pain/hurt ?

  13. the victim is the most hurt in this situation

    the Second would be the victims family

    the parents of a paedophile would be devastated at how their child had turned out  

  14. I really don't think that can be answered as it all depends on the parents.   Every parent will feel differently about their child.   Some parents may be totally without emotion, some will be devastated.  It won't really be any different if the child is victim or culprit.

    Nor do I think you can blame the parents of the culprit.  In some cases the upbringing may be to blame, yes, but not always. One family I knew had 6 children.  Five turned out well, teacher, social worker, doctor, engineer and office manager.  The 6th one was a petty criminal, thief and junkie. But all had the same upbringing.

  15. The victim's parents.  

  16. the victim............literally  

  17. you can never really measure their hurt!!!it depends on how much level of love the parents got for their kid. the answer of this question seems to be easy and given,but its not really..the parents of the pedophile would be very hurt of course if they had raise their kid in their out most best and found out that they had missed something,so they will be very very hurt..but cud feel the opposite if they dont give a d**n at all..same as to the victims parents...but this are the questions that are really very interesting..  

  18. The people most hurt are the children who fall victim to the paedophiles.  Of the two sets of parents, I think the parents of the victims suffer the most.

    I'm not even sure sometimes if the parents of paedophiles even know their son is doing this, not until it all comes out in public and even then, like any parents, they are bound to want to defend their son, unless and until the evidence against him is so glaringly obvious that even the blind can see.

  19. parents of the victim

  20. pedophiles are mostly old guys whose parents are already dead.

  21. I've been mulling this over a while..

    Firstly I think the idea a  paedophiles parent's may be deserving of sympathy is Interesting. If you had a kid who turned to crime and ended up murdering someone then as parents you would feel a sense of shame. Those parents may garner some sympathy because peer pressure is more influential on a child than parental from teenage years on.

    However paedophilia is considered I think to be a defect wholly due to a persons upbringing isn't it? So I think those parents are unlikely to gain ANY sympathy. What is it that makes someone a paedophile? Is it upbringing? I don't know. It's hard to see past the revulsion and back to the child the paedophile once was. No-one was there to stop that mentality forming, no-one was there for that child either.

    I don't know how anyone can work with rehabilitating child-abuse offenders..I'd just feel swamped by my feelings even if they were abused as a child themselves.

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