
Who gets more respect??

by Guest59385  |  earlier

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the police dep.

the paramedics

ot the fire dep.




  1. Probably the fire department in most people's eyes.

    The police and paramedics are often called in on situations that are beyond the control of one or two people, and are generally understaffed and overworked. The firefighters are more dramatic in their appearance to the general public, and are more likely to be involved in property than people. If a police officer arrests one of your friends or family members, you usually dislike them for it. If a paramedic does all they can, but cannot save the life of someone, we blame them somewhat. But somehow, if a firefighter doesn't get to a person in time, we blame the fire more.

    I have great respect for all three of these groups, because their lives are dedicated to the wellbeing of all Americans.

    All of them deserve our respect, admiration and dedication. My father in law was all three of these, so I heard his versions of how people treated him in each of these jobs over the years.  

  2. fire department , police

  3. IMO - fire dept

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