
Who gets scared at night?

by  |  earlier

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ok well i get scared when walking out side alone or even with one other person but if tis more then that i m ok but what do you yahooo people do to stay come when walking alone outside at night?




  1. I use to get scared in the dark, but that ended when I was a teen.

    I decided there's nothing in the dark, that isn't also there in the daylight (with the exception of a few night critters like bats).

    I live on a farm.  I'm outside at all hours of the day and night.  I also live in the desert.  It's very plesant to do chores outside after dark, when it's so much cooler.

    I had an AMAZING horseback ride twice in the middle of the night.  They were building a road.  First they had to lay down all the layers of gravel.  I snuck out one night (teenager then) and took one of my horses and rode for miles on this road in the dark.  

    The next night, I had my best friend over, and she and I did the same ride on two horses.  It was amazing to see the sparks from the horses metal shod hooves as we galloped down the gravel road.  I'd been riding for years, and never know their metal shoes made cannot see that in the daylight.

    I also love to watch the bats swooping around streetlights and catching all the insects.  I have fun trying to identify owls in the dark too, and tell what species they are.

    I enjoy the ocean in the pitch dark too.  It's very primal, when you are the only one sitting on a beach, listening to the waves pounding the shore.  You can feel like you are the last person left on earth.

    I love the night.


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

  2. I carry a knife to fight off the black bears that live near me.   They aren't much bigger than a large dog, so might have a 2% chance if one decides to attack me.

  3. i dont get scared when i walk alone at night. it could be because i grew up in a foresty area and theres not many people around so all i have to worry about is animals (mountain lions, coyotes, foxes, skunks, deer.....) and they arent a big deal. i bet if i lived in a city i would be scared all the time.

  4. The daytime gives away much, but night hides much and just because things may be hidden does not make them dangerous. The night time not only gives you a great view of the night sky, and sometimes spectacular view of the  night sky if its in the dark country side. The night gives you an advantage, of being invisible to the human eye.

    Bright lights in the open take away your celestial view of the heavens and give your position away as well. When operating in this mode, you should use red light sparingly for seeing close objects, but if your security is the main priority then turn off the light period. You’ll probably go unnoticed.

    One word about day vs. night. The day is 24 hours long, and it’s the nights that are mostly neglected and feared. There is no need to fear the night, give it a chance and you will soon get used to it and like it like me.

  5. when im in my town house yes but when im out of town im not

  6. i admit that I do get scared at night when I'm alone outside. I'm afraid someone will jump out of nowhere and do something...

  7. I admit it b efore I go to sleep I gotta take a sleeping aid so I can go to bed cause I worry bout fires,break ins,shootings ,my kids,.blah blah blah. At night if I walk i got that fight or flight feeling ever heard of it? it's your body gets scared so in a split decision u either run,from it, or turn and fight well I figure out what I can use to hurt somebody "just in case"

  8. build confidence

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