
Who gets the trailer? ?

by Guest58848  |  earlier

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I purchased a trailer with my girlfriend (at the time) and a month after we moved in, she kicked me out. Both of our names are on the title. I have proof that I paid for everything (checks and receipts). But, the trailer is on her mother's land. My lawyer is working on taking her to court. What do you think the outcome will be?




  1. The best out come would be you get your name off the loan.As for your invested cash,chock it up as a learning experience.Good you were not married or she would have taken the shirt off your back also.

  2. Since both your names are on the title, joint ownership. A problem could arise with the trailer being on her mother's property. Is it legally there? Zoning? Is there a lease?  

  3. She will need to pay you what you have into it since it is in both of your names.

    In other words she will need to pay you off.

  4. What is guaranteed is: your lawyer is going to make money.

    Because you put the trailer also in your gf name probably means that you will be forfeiting 50% to her.

    Love is blind.

  5. Looks like she will just buy you out of your half.

    Next time get married first!

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