
Who gets voted off on so you think you can dance 7-31-08

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Who gets voted off on so you think you can dance 7-31-08




  1. the bottom two guys were: twitch and mark

    the bottom two girls were: chelsie and courtney

    and mark and chelsie were voted off


  2. Actually, Kat said that the2 people left standing on stage weren't necessarily the bottom two, but rather that one of the two was going home. So that doesn't mean that Katee and Joshua got the most # of votes (but it's probably likely)

  3. Chelsie and Mark, sadly.

    In order of Cat's announcement of safety:

    Katee, Joshua, Courtney, Twitch

    Bottom 2 girls: Courtney and Chelsie

    Bottom 2 guys: Mark and Twitch

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