
Who goes to Florida Panther and Tampa Bay Lightning games?

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I have always believed that the majority of fans that show up for those games are all the retired Canadians living in Florida. Do you suppose there is any truth to that?




  1. I am a huge Florida Panther Fan and go to 20+ games a season. I met all the players at least once and have all their autographs. No not everyone is a retired Canadian I see a lot of Kids, Teens, and Families.

  2. No there's diehard Panther fans and Ning fans that are actually from Florida.A few on this site as well.There can be something to the idea that alot of Canadians are down there but I'm sure they are still Habs or Leafs fans.

  3. Tampa's fanbase is incredible. They're all stoked about getting Stamkos down there too......I doubt they're all canadian. =P

  4. I use to go to Lighting games all the time (before I moved that is) and that is false. All sort of people go to those games.

  5. Tiger Woods when he's home.

  6. i've been meaning to go to one because we are always down there but i dont think its just the Canadiens becuase lots of Americans retire there too.

  7. In Florida, there are certain cities that are FULL of retired northerners...and yes about 10% of them are from Canada.  Places like Largo & Seminole are just full of mature peeps.  Honestly, I rarely see any senior citizens at Lightning games.  I have gone to a couple of Panther vs. Lighting games, because since they play each other often, is usually a pretty close matchup.  It typically is a rather packed house.  I can't speak of south Florida, but poeple in Tampa are truly sports nuts.

    I would say that it is true that many Canadians come to the St. Pete Times Forum when their respected team is playing…and usually they are just visiting from out of town.

  8. We usually travel down to see the Florida swing to see the Leafs (get some golf in while we're down there and hopefully enjoy some warm weather).  The crowd is usually about 75-80% Leafs fans in Florida, and about 50-65% in Tampa.

  9. Lot's of northerners make there way down there at on point. So I could see that i would guess lot's of New Englanders,New Yorkers and Jersyights too.

  10. I go to Tampa games. A LOT of people from up north live down here in Florida now, but there are actually a lot of local people at the games. Like it or not, Tampa Bay is second only to Montreal in total attendance the past five years. There are not THAT many Canadians living down here! LOL!

    Your guess is as good as mine for the Panthers.

  11. People in Tampa actually care about the Lightning......I was born in Tampa and that's around when the Lightning came to exist. My dad actually went to the first Lightning game ever......but that's getting off subject.

    I usually go down to Florida every summer to visit my grandparents and there are a lot of there. Especially back in 2004 when the Lightning won the Stanley'd never guess it was Florida.

    Now for the Panthers that's another story. I mean there ARE fans, but nothing like Tampa.

  12. yes because a lot of people go to retire there, not only from canada but from the northern part of america. i know a lot of people from chicago who have gone down there, but then again, i'm not sure they follow hockey because it isnt really a big deal here, but it will be i hope

  13. I go to Lightning games! That's all you need to know!

    Could you imagine 18,000 senior citizen Canadian transplants in the same building for a Lightning game....

    When the horn goes off, half stand up while the other half wonder what the heck's goin on.

    Duh duh duh duuuh duh duhhhhhhh *muffled* charge... Then five minutes later one guy screams out CHARGE!

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