
Who gonna win the 2008 Election?

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Please tell if landslide or a close race or even a tie?




  1. Right now it looks like it is going to be a close race and its to close to call. Looking at past elections the poll's aren't very reliable and you can never tell what the turnout will be.  

  2. Obama/Biden and it's going to be a landslide or a close race, not sure yet.  

  3. While I can attain a resentment of both candidates equally, I think that McCain may get this one, due to the lousy boost from the DNC for Obama (provided that the RNC can take a little spotlight from the nations attention of Gustav). Also, this really is a moment that the GOP can take advantage of Gustav and try and tackle recovery, salvation and rebuilding efforts; I am certain that they will make the hurricane into a major political move.

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