
Who got dyslexia?

by Guest65938  |  earlier

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if so have bad is is?

mine was bad when i was little, i could ont talk at all but i have improve it so i start to talk well at the age of 9. but alot of things i find really hard but i am good at art.




  1. I'm dyslexic and dyspraxic, I spent most of my childhood\early school career being told I was stupid. I am not, I am actually quite bright and now people know why it takes me longer to do some stuff and why my spelling\grammar isn't great it's ok. Being told I was stupid just made me work harder to prove them wrong. I am studying for my PhD at the moment in forensic palynology. I am lucky that my "good" area is science and maths. My English is rubbish though! Good luck with everything and remember that if you work hard enough you can do whatever you want in life :-)

  2. i have it quite bad i am learing to cope with it but i also have a lot of other problems like asd ect

  3. i am dysgraphic with dyslexic tendencies

    I've improved a lot

    i am now a straight A student and in National Honors society

  4. Dyslexia describes a general term for primary reading disorder. Diagnosis is based on intellectual, educational, speech and language, medical, and psychologic evaluations. Treatment is primarily educational management, consisting of instruction in word recognition and component skills.

  5. I've recently been labelled as one.  I have an awful working task memory and have some scroptic eye disorder (or spelled along that line).

    I've been one less than a week and not sure what the benefit is being labeled.

    I eye disorder was alot worse when i was younger.  I use to get dizzy seing people and feel tired.  Strange then but now i know why

  6. Im dyselix and i was really far behind in my education. Now i could get to university.

  7. My dyslexia was not diagnosed till I was in my 20's.  I left school with very poor reading skills and an awful speller. At 37 I have an Open University degree and only find my dyslexia is more a confidence problem if I'm under pressure especially being watched) my reading and spelling still fail me.
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