
Who got more votes: Joe Biden in the 2008 Dem.Primary or Sarah Palin in the 2006 Alaska Gov. election ?

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For a direct comparison: Biden got 116,000 votes with 50%, Palin 114,000 votes with 48% for their 1st state wide elections as US Senator and Alaska governor, respectively. How's that?




  1. Biden  The republicans lied as usual.

  2. Palin received 48% of the votes in the 2006 Alaska govenor election

    Estimated population of Alaska in 2006 was 670,053

    Biden received 58% of the votes for Senator of Delaware in 2002

    Population of Delaware in 2000:  783,600

    Estimated population of Delaware in 2006:  853,476

  3. Palin

  4. Does it really matter?  

  5. Since Alaska is in Hicks-vile, I am gonna go with Biden. (=

  6. They said at the convention that Palin got more but they never bother to put a whole picture together. There are such great democrats that it is hard to compete. Who was Palin competing with Larry Craig? We don't have the full picture so it is meaningless. I did not vote for Biden I voted for Hillary. I love this guy & I am so happy he is the VP candidate. So out of context this question & that statement prooves nothing. If they are now going to look at popularity then they must also put the fact in that 2 months ago 9 republicans who are supposed to work with McCain announced they refused to attend the convention. They were scouring the streets trying to get people to attend with a goal of getting 10,000 people & even offering buses & had no success. So they don't want to get into a popularity contest with Obama/Biden

  7. Palin got more votes as MAYOR than did Biden did running for President...he couldn't carry his own state

  8. Percent of total, Sarah Palin.

    Dems will point to raw numbers though, since they like to twist the facts.

    If you had one election and there were 1000 voters and 900 of them voted for a candidate, they got 90% of the vote.

    Meanwhile at another election there were 100,000 voters and 1,800 of them voted for a second candidate... Democrats would say, "SEE?  This candidate got twice as many votes!  That' means they were more popular."  (But the reality is, they got 1.8% of the vote.)

    Typical Democrat spin, "FACT checking" from the left.

  9. Not a fair comparison, Burnt.  

  10. I think the question is moot

    who will get the most votes in November is what is going to matter

    more then what went down in the is not a fair comparison

    but most Democrats don't know the difference anyway

  11. On a percentage basis or what?  And who has actually accomplished something in office?

  12. Obama passed over the candidate that had 18 million votes for the guy that had 2% of the vote, that wasn't a sign of a true leader.

  13. From what I’ve been hearing…

    Gov. Sarah Palin received more votes.

  14. Probably Biden since Alaska has a small population. What difference does it matter to the current Presidential race?  

  15. who cares?

  16. Biden in 26 contests had around 80,000 votes.

    Palin got less than 1000 votes to get elected. Alaska may be large in territory but very small in population

  17. Palin did with 115,000

    Greysun the 1000 figure you're thinking of was from her run for Mayor.

  18. Apples and oranges comparison.  Joe Biden wasn't runing in the Primary election.  

  19. Joe Biden

    Population of Delaware: 853,476

    Population of Wasilla, AK: 9,780

  20. Joe Biden received over 73,000 votes in 23 states.  I am not sure what Palin got but I doubt that it was equal to that.

  21. Biden. But if you think that was the only lie that came out of that foolishness last night, I've got another bridge to nowhere to sell you...

  22. Palin managed 20,000 people. Biden's staff is less than 25.

  23. Joe Biden

  24. wat?

    first of all, use the right quote.

    Second of all, wat?

  25. FORMER ARKANSAS GOV. MIKE HUCKABEE: Palin "got more votes running for mayor of Wasilla, Alaska than Joe Biden got running for president of the United States."

    THE FACTS: A whopper. Palin got 616 votes in the 1996 mayor's election, and got 909 in her 1999 re-election race, for a total of 1,525. Biden dropped out of the race after the Iowa caucuses, but he still got 76,165 votes in 23 states and the District of Columbia where he was on the ballot during the 2008 presidential primaries.

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