
Who got the better of the Pudge/Farsnworth trade?

by Guest33499  |  earlier

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I'm PO'd...

stupid trade. Farnsworth was just getting good...we got Jose behind the plate, do we really need Pudge??




  1. Pudge is still one of the best defensive catchers in the game, he call a game better than anyone in the game and is not much of a power guy anymore, he more of a singles/doubles hitter.  You have to give up something to get something, so they had to give up a relief pitcher who was performing well at the time, they do now have a problem by needing relief pitching help.

  2. As a Yankee fan, I HATE Kyle Farnsworthless.  Pack your bags buddy and hit the road back to Detroit... The Yanks have great young relief pitchers capable of doing, if not better, just as good as Farnsworthless...

  3. Yes, you need Pudge. You're getting a 14-time All Star. And you guys got the better end of the deal too!

  4. Pudge is still good though, despite being 36 he is batting .295 this season which is great for us.

    Farnsworth was one of our best relievers(I didn't really like him) but we received Damaso Marte recently and I like Edwar Ramirez.

    I think we got the better end of the deal.

    Sure, Molina is one of the best defensive catchers in the game along with his brothers, but he sucks offensively. We have two great catchers now and I doubt Pudge will be catching every day I'm sure Molina will get to play like 2-3 games a week which is still good.

  5. i no how u feel its kinda bitter sweet, its great to have Pudge on the yanks but im so pissed we had to give up farsnworth but look at it this way we could still get him back in the off-season , he will be a free agent (i hope we do) ,i felt so bad for him in his interview he was crying about leaving but maybe that will motivate him to sign with tha yanks in 09'

  6. Jose can't hit, pudge can hit much better and can catch almost as well. We still have Veras, Mo, Edwar, Robertson, and Giese...and now Marte, its like Marte replaces farnsworth

  7. They do need a decent catcher, but they also need relief pitching.  They don't need Pudge's power numbers, but rather contact hitting.  Had they gotten rid of Veras or LaTroy Hawkins instead of designating him for assignment, it would have been better.

  8. pudge is great, as a marlins fan i remember what he meant for us in 2003............he is not as good as he was back then but he is a great ball player and i think the yanks got the best of the deal!

  9. Yankees, now they have Aroid AND Iroid!!!!!!!

  10. Yankees really needed a catcher. I am a Detroit fan so I am unhappy about the trade.

    Pudge was more valuable to Detroit than Farnsworth will be.  This trade sucks.

  11. Don't be pissed off. This is a good deal for the Yankees. Molina lagged in offense and Pudge will bring a solid bat to their line up, and he is a pretty good catcher as well.

    EDIT: Wow are you serious? Just because someone doesn't agree with you they get thumbs down? Nice as*hole. I wont be answering your questions anymore.

  12. are you frekin serious right now...yankees fans wanted farnsworths head 2 months they trade would be different if they got farnsworth and some prospects...the yankees got a heluva trade and if you thought molina was a good d catcher then pudge is great

  13. Yankees got the better deal 4 show pudge owns and im glad hes on the yanks my fav team!

  14. The Yankees got the better deal. Molina struggles at the plate and no one really knows how he would have reacted to being an everyday catcher. That's a lot of grind on the body.

    Posada just got surgery today. He's out until at least Spring Training 2009.

    The Yankees just got Pudge who can hit and catch. And we got him for a low price: Farnsworth.

    You can think that Farnsworth was starting to get good, but it is impossible for Kyle Farnsworth to be an effective pitcher. He lost my trust long ago. He can throw 100+ mph, but he can't locate his pitches. He performed well the past few times he's been out there, but he'll only be inconsistant.

    And it's not like we gave him up to a contender. The Tigers aren't coming back this season.

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