
Who ~ group or individual ~ has benefitted most as a result of women's liberation and / or feminism?

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  1. Speak for yourself, Victoria. Feminism has been directly or indirectly responsible for everything I've ever wanted in my life, and I think a lot of other women feel the same way.

  2. I can tell you this one thing for sure. Women have not benefited from this communist movement at all. Feminist are just a better way of saying Communist. They make it harder for women to get ahead in this world all due to their constant. Bickering and bitching when they don't get their way.

  3. The folks who make contraceptives, followed shortly by  marriage councilors.

  4. Women who want career and don't want to marry and have a family. It works especially well for those whose career is in the feminism industry e.g. Women's Studies academics, specialist lawyers etc.  Everyone else loses.

  5. The elderly.   American Women hardly got the chance to do anything during their prime years, and now that feminism has changed the ways of mysogny, there are elderly women delighting in their newfound freedom even in years when they should be past that.

    The youth, meanwhile, are going to grow up in a society already conditioned for it.  So while they definately benefit, it's not as noticeable as to those whom never had it.

  6. Benefitted ??...... NO ONE, aside from attorneys handling divorce. female liberation/ feminism continues to be a menace to society as a whole ; So menacing that  its liabilities far outweigh any 'benefits' it has claimed to produce.

  7. The children.  

    Although women are still greatly frowned upon (one can tell by simply reading some of the answers people give here) as equal or powerful beings, at least our daughters and sons are being taught about equality and living in a society where they will see women at work.  And, thus, feel free to either do so or feel comfortable with their wife doing so.

  8. Logically speaking intelligent and ambitious females benefited the most as a result, however ignorant representatives of our gender are enjoying improvements to their pathetic lives as well. We are able to have any education we want, vote, get a job and be promoted to a higher level, if we work hard enough and don't take 'no' for an answer. We can establish and operate a business of any kind, which was a dream for many generations of females. We have a choice now in having a marriage and a family or not, which was impossible in the past. We also are not looked down upon for raising our children as single parents, if situation calls for this decision. As a result we are now able to experience financial independence / freedom to do anything we like. And that is and always was our ultimate goal. We do not need a man to support us financially, however we want him to be there for the emotional and physical reasons. Isn't that the greatest foundation for a successful marriage?  You tell me.


    Doodlebug, your prejudices are amusing to me, dear. FYI, professional success never stopped me from having a successful marriage to the love of my life for last 18 years and being a mother to my lovely 6 yo daughter. The thing is overachievers are driven people, and their energy and need to succeed might look threatening to the rest of individuals of lazy disposition. However, let me assure you, that we are just as human as you are. We've learned pretty early on in life that happiness achieved by balancing professional and personal life. And as at anything else we do, we are successful in achieving our personal goals for happiness. Does that hurt your fragile ego?

  9. Divorce attorneys.

  10. Divorce lawyers certainly. Upper class women too. Feminists have never cared about poor women...after all a feminist needs a poor woman to work for peanuts looking after the feminist's kids whilst she pursues her career.

  11. Women who have money.  I also like Patois answer of divorce attorneys.

  12. EVERYONE whether they want to admit to it or not.  Men like myself don't have to work two or three jobs and exhibit excess machismo in order to be accepted.  Women have more choices and  say over what happens to  their own bodies.

    Children are now able to get a more balanced view of woman and man-hood.  It's ok for  male to be a nurse and a female to be a general.  It's easier now for minorities and disadvantaged people to climb the rungs of social stratification also.  More doors have been opened.  You don't have to be a white male to obtain wealth and financial independence anymore.

  13. I know I have, so I have to say women. Obviously, ha. (Not to include gold diggers and the women clinging defiantly to their submissiveness...)

    The liberal faction of government... single women account for around 25% of eligible voters, and they vote Democrat.

    Women-oriented industry... we have our own money to spend now... cosmetics were always a given, even back when, but now womens spending is felt in literature and art, higher fashion, blah blah blah... I think the capitalists did very well off feminism, it created a new wave of consumers who used to live off daddy/husband allowance like a child.

  14. It has benefited everyone in so many positive ways.

    However, It's nothing but an annoyance to mysogonistic control-freaks. Diddums :-(


  15. Too broad a question for me, middle class women, big business, legal firms, governments ....

    I agree with Doodlebugjim, it looks like only a small % of women benifit, and whats more, they talk about feminism in terms of what its done for them and how much it suits them as individuals.

    There seems to be no regard for any wider, negative implications.

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