
Who guards the pearly gates of heaven?

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my co-worker & i are debating which saint guards the gates of heaven.




  1. Peter.

  2. God got security cameras and a buzzer so he could downsize his work force.

  3. Adam was driven from Eden, and the ANGELS who, before his transgression, had been appointed to guard him in his Eden home, were now appointed to guard the gates of paradise and the way of the tree of life, lest he should return, gain access to the tree of life, and sin be immortalized.

         Sin drove man from paradise; and sin was the cause of the removal of paradise from the earth. In consequence of transgression of God's law, Adam lost paradise. In obedience to the Father's law, and through faith in the atoning blood of His Son, paradise may be regained. "Repentance toward God," because His law has been transgressed, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ, as man's only Redeemer, will be acceptable with God. Notwithstanding man's sinfulness, the merits of God's dear Son in his behalf will avail with the Father.

    Revelation 3:7 And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the KEY OF DAVID, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth;

    Revelation 9:1 And the fifth ANGEL sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the KEY of the bottomless pit.

    Revelation 20:1 And I saw an ANGEL come down from heaven, having the KEY of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.

  4. Lucifer.  He's the bodyguard over there trying to derail souls into his own club instead

  5. Metatron

  6. Saint Peter

  7. There are no physical gates.  You both lose.

  8. "John goes on to describe the city: “It had a great and lofty wall and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names were inscribed which are those of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel. "- Rev,  21:12

  9. St. Peter...

    Like in the new Coldplay song,

    "For some reason I can't explain, I know St. Peter won't call my name"...

  10. I hoping it's my grandmother.  If it is, I'm a shoe in!  lololol...  :)  She may also have a glass of Jim Beam and seven up in her hand!!!  :)

    Enjoying humor....  :)

  11. A guy named Tony from Brooklyn.

  12. According to folklore, poetry, and song lyrics, it's "St. Peter" but who is to say it isn't Jesus?  see my source, please! :)

  13. A snapping turtle.  

  14. On sundays and thursdays I do!!!

  15. A bunch of Christians who were Atheists and converted on their death beds

  16. St. Peter

  17. St. Peter.  Stop arguing and go to The Book.

  18. As I recall from 'Paradise Lost,' nobody.  They don't need guarding.  You can't even get close to them unless you've got a pass to get through them.  My main source in these matters, John Milton, gives us to understand that various and sundry Cherubim and Seraphim (Thrones, Dominations, Powers) do stand guard and sentry duty on the far outskirts of Heaven, but the closer you get to the Seat of Bliss the more everyone's duties are purely symbolical and hierarchal, mostly singing, dancing, jubilation, and worship of the Almighty.  The Pearly Gates are just for show and the beautiful music they make when they're opened and shut.

  19. Actually, they are located on a small obscure easement at the back of my yard.  I leave the masterlock hanging on them, but I don't close it, so just put it back on the loop when you go through, OK?  

    I guess that means I guard it, but then I am not as big on judging others as some people on here.  I suppose that is why they put them in my backyard.  Try not to stomp on the Lantanas.

  20. "Thank you Peter for your service to me in life.  Your heavenly reward is to be my eternal doorman.  Here's your hat. You start tomorrow at 8 o'clock sharp." - God

  21. Traditionally... Saint Peter!   Every now and then Saint Peter opens the gates of Heaven so God can go out for a ride on his favorite angel!

    Psalm 18:7-10 (NIV) The earth trembled and quaked,

    and the foundations of the mountains shook;

    they trembled because he* (*God) was angry.

    8 Smoke rose from his nostrils;

    consuming fire came from his mouth,

    burning coals blazed out of it.

    9 He* (*God) parted the heavens and came down;

    dark clouds were under his feet.

    10 He* (*God) mounted the CHERUBIM* (*an elite angel) and flew;

    he soared on the wings of the wind.

    Hey… Let’s face it hardly any Heathen God beats the sporty Bible God…!!!


  22. Saint Peter. He holds the keys to the kingdom.

  23.     There is a book that I highly recommend for anyone interested in the Catholic Church or the Papacy. The name of the book is “Vicars of Christ – The Dark Side of the Papacy”. by Peter De Rosa

      Most people think that the Popes were pretty nice people. Wrong!! The Popes down through history have been very evil men capable of murder at the drop of a hat. There have been married Popes, there have been 13 year old Popes, there have been perverted Popes. Some Popes were caught having s*x with another man’s wife so the men killed the Popes involved. Popes have even owned w***e houses to make money for the church.

      For several hundred years there were 2 and then 3 Popes at the same time. Nobody knew who the real Pope was. There was even a time when the church didn't even have a Pope. And then there is the Pope who everyone still thinks was a woman. She had a baby on the way back to the Vatican.

      This book by Peter De Rosa is so interesting and you’ll be glad you read it. Call your local library and ask them for it. If they don’t have it then ask them to order it from one of their branches. If they can’t do that then go to YAHOO and type in “Vicars of Christ” and find someone who will sell it to you. I know Amazon has it. But remember, it’s called  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœVicars of Christ -The Darkside of the Papacy”. There are several other Vicars of Christ out there but this is the one you want. Goooood book!!!

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