
Who had a bigger impact in North America?

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the KKK or the Black Panthers and why




  1. KKK had major political parties and politicians as members, Senator Robert Byrd for example.  Black Panthers have had no members elected to the government and was largely broken up by the FBI.

    Both are detestable racists, but for longevity and true political power I give the nod to the Klan for larger impact.

  2. The KKK- It was 2,000,000 members strong by 1920, and was more socially acceptable since it was a white organization.

    The Black Panthers were based around the protection of Black people when Black people were the minority.

    The KKK made their presence known as a racist organization throughout the entire 20th century. Today, the organization is viewed mostly as a terrorist organization more than anything. The Black Panthers were a small voice only in the civil rights movement and were comprised of a minority to begin with, so they never had a major impact in terms of overall history.

  3. While they both kept bigotry and hatred alive, I'd have to give the edge to the KKK.  They had a lot more support, and were a lot more accepted, and lived a longer life than the Panthers, therefore more influence.

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