
Who had a good driver's test story?

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Hey, I'm taking my driver's test in a few days and I'm really nervous about it. I'm a GOOD driver, and I can park and drive safely. However, the thought of some grumpy man in the passenger's seat JUDGING ME...ughhhh. I'm worried that a squirrel will run into the road and I'll run it over or something! Who had a good driver's test story?




  1. No story but it sounds like you are a good driver so I would not be concerned with that old grumpy guy, just do it.

  2. Don't sweat the test.  Just go in and do what the "grumpy old man" tells you to do.  He's not there to judge your personality, or your ride... he's just there to see if you can drive safely and make decisions as to what is safe without causing a delay in traffic.  

    You asked about funny stories.... I have one...

    In 1979, I went into the DMV office in Palm Springs, CA to take my road test in a 18 wheel truck.  The examiners still gave the road test at that time, unlike today.

    Needless to say, they hadn't given too many Class "A" road tests in Palm Springs, so when I asked for one, the examiner looked at me and told me that I needed to have a truck to do that.  I told him that I had one parked right outside and he frowned.  He lifted his head and asked the other employees if anyone had ever given a Class "A" road test.  The young woman, at a desk over in the corner slowly raised her hand and said, " yes, I did one in Riverside before I transfered down here."   So she gathered up her clipboard and out the door we went.  

    The road test went off without a hitch, even if she did take me on the course designed for cars....  A tractor/trailer in a residentual district is not the most fun I have ever had, but I did ok.  

    Upon getting back to the DMV office,  she told me I passed and handed me my paperwork to get my "license" updated.  I asked her to wait for me to come around to her side of the truck and help her down.  I got down out of my side and was walking around the truck when I heard this "thump" and a grunt.  As I walked around the corner of the truck I see her sitting on the grass, her clipboard about 6 feet away from her.

    I asked her if she was ok as I offered a hand to help her up.  She looked at me rather sheepishly and said she was ok... but would I do her a favor.   Please don't tell her co-workers what had happened....    

    We joked about the fact that I was glad I had my signed piece of paper in my hand before she toppled out of the truck.  I never said a word to her fellow workers and as far as I know, she didn't either.  You can bet that the next time she was asked if she has ever given a truck road test, she wouldn't raise her hand.  

    Good luck with your test... and don't get shook... just drive the car.... and be safe.

  3. at least your a really good driver and that means that your in a h**l lot of better position then other people who drive terribly

  4. It's not happy but it's memorable.

    When I took my driving test I got back to the DMV and found out about the planes going into the World Trade Center. Little did I know I would always remember my test that day. Unfortunately I got the evil troll woman who hated the fact that my AC ran too cold and my window on her side went off the track whenever you rolled it down so I wouldn't let her roll it down so she had to freeze and deal with it.

  5. I had a blast.  I was the only person in my driver's ed car that had ever driven prior to taking Driver's ED.  

    1.  One person that was in my car drove about 4 and a half miles with the parking brake on and destroyed the parking brake system.

    2.  Another person pulling into a parking space doing about 5MPH threw the car in park while still moving.

    3.  I took driver's ed the perfect time of the year and had a perfect winter, where I got to drive during good conditions, fog, rain, snow, sleet, high winds, hail.  

    Run over the squirrel, don't wreck a vehicle to avoid a d**n squirrel.  

    I taught both of my younger brothers how to drive.

    Just relax.  Think about what your doing, and obey all traffic signals and signs.

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