
Who had a hangover this morning? and has it gone yet?

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Who had a hangover this morning? and has it gone yet?




  1. I was a good girl last night and had no alcohol.

    What a boring evening it was.

  2. not this morning, but when u r a drinker, hey you rarley feel a thing.

  3. i did indeed .. so i i headed into kfc on my way home for some greasy fast food and some coke. its the only time i ever eat fast food. although given the amount of hangovers ie had recently its just as well its the only time or i dont think id ever leave the bloody kfc shop

    but yes its gone.. if only last nights mistakes could be erased with a bucket of chicken too ...

  4. i did! and i only just started feeling better at 8pm!!!

  5. No, I tried taking cold medicine along with wine to help me get some sleep and boy I am still feeling it.

  6. Yep I sure did.   It was gone quite quickly.  I have learned after a night of drinking the first thing you need is a glass of milk.  It drys all the drinks up,  hangover gone!!!

  7. I did (Cumberland guest beer) didn't feel right till apx 5/6ish tonight"""

  8. I can think of one or two people, and yes I'm sure it has :)

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