
Who had the very first personalized license plate? What did it say?

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What's the best personalized license plate you've ever seen? Would you ever consider getting one? How much does a personalized license plate cost? Please include links.




  1. y!apl8

    why would u even need one?

  2. The best personalized plates I've seen belong to an attorney with a great sense of humor...... SHYSTER.  The runner up is LIBSDAVE (well, I'll be, it's Dave).  I've seen a lot of clever plates...and a lot of really "uncreative" plates.  Personally, I would never have personalized could be a "job hazard" for me...I'm a Private Investigator.  Kinda hard to be inconspicuous if my plates were PI GRL. :)

    Regarding cost...

    Personalized plates generally run about $50-100 more than standard plates, depending on your location.  Many states also offer "specialized" plates that benefit charities (cancer research, domestic violence prevention, etc) or ID the owner as a member of a group/organization, etc. (Masonic Lodge, Disabled Veteran, etc).

  3. JFK  it was ??-300   or    300-??

  4. Cheech & Chong: MUFDVR


  6. the person was "an idiot" and it said "i pay extra for meaningless things" i dont have a fave one. my second fave bumper sticker says "my 7th grader is an honor student" my first fave bumper sticker says "my 7th grade student can kick ur honor student's ***" lol, cuz i have a black belt, sry cant help with liscence plates though!

  7. Live ur Life!

  8. Some guy from Pennsylvania - 343-NYC.

  9. I don't know, but I remember hearing a story once of someone who filled out the application for a plate, and it asked for alternates in case the first choice was taken. There were three lines. He filled out his first choice on the first line, second choice on the second line, and since he didn't have any others he'd like, he wrote "NO PLATE." So, of course his first two were taken, so his custom plate was sent to him reading "NO PLATE." But the story doesn't stop there. Apparently, when cops write parking tickets to cars that don't have a plate on them, they write "NO PLATE" on the ticket. Soon after he got his new plate, he got tons of notifications for unpaid parking ticket fees. :)

    Moral of this story: Whatever customization you choose, make sure you have a few alternates!

  10. I know that the first personalized license plate was issued in Pennsylvania.  Unfortunately, I don't know what it said.

    I have a personalized plate and I love it!  In California, it costs and additional $41 per year to keep that plate.  That's in addition to your registration fee.

    Other states are lower, as I experienced w/ my personalized plate from Louisiana.  I paid a LOT less in registration fees there too!  It's so much cheaper to NOT have a car if you live in CA...ugh!

    The BEST personalized license plate I can recall seeing said PMS24-7...loved it!  I had a friend who had one that said DV8...that was a good one too.  I once saw an old 57 Chevy that has a license plate that read DADHAD1.  Cool!

    I've included a link that shows some pretty funny plates...I especially like the Steve Martin reference.  Good stuff!

  11. larry assman. it said "assman".

  12. Have no idea.I was going to ask similar question ,so I'LL just watch your answers!

  13. Pennsylvania manufactured the first custom, vanity or personalized license plate in 1931. As Americans became more prosperous, custom or official vanity license plates became very popular. The increased fees for custom, personalized or vanity official license plates have earned the states hundreds of millions of dollars and a great source of tax revenue for education (colleges), wildlife conservation and other projects.

  14. I think personalizing car number plates began in Britain.

    You might find this information useful:

    I wouldn't consider getting one, I prefer a simple number plate that wouldn't draw as much attention. I do like people's names as number plates- I think that's quite cool.

    ''We all have a desire to be unique and stand out in a crowd, and despite what some would like us to think, we care about other peoples perceptions of us. In today's society we do this through the clothes we wear, the music we listen to... A Personalised Car Number Plate on your car is merely an extension of this form of self-expression''.

    I have no idea about the cost, but in they are xpensive, in the UK at least.

    Hope this helps. ;-)

  15. Bluebyu.

    Blew by you. It was especially cool because it was a blue car. : ]

  16. some person and it said "im cool i have the very 1st personalized license plate"

  17. pybobny  it ment play boy bunny because that is what i want to be

  18. I saw one that said COOKIES. It would have been cool if there were cars next to it with license plates that said "AND CREAM"

  19. never seen one

    i assume they cost alot lol

    if i had one i would i would so make it say "fre$hman" even though im not a freshman lol

    heres a link


    I don't remember the first one I ever saw.

  21. 8oj 8008

    If you look at in in your rear view - it says Boob JoB.  

    I just about wrecked.

  22. 4HWY17

    For highway 17...I live over the Santa Cruz mountains and there is this highway (17) and which accidents happen daily!

    The roads are small and the speed limit it's no more than 45. Winding road for sure.

    I would consider getting one, but too expensive. I don't remember how much but it was over $100.

  23. This is a good one....

    I had applied for a particular vanity plate back in 1987-88 in North Carolina for a pet name my then GF had for me. The state turned me down flat saying the plate was obscene. I couldnt get where they got such a creepy thought about what I thought was an innocuous license plate.

    About that time, a local column writer for the city newspaper picked up what was going on with my plight from a mutual friend in the Jaycees civic organization.

    He decided to write a "human interest" story about the hassle I was having with the DMV and what  friends, his readers and I thought about the situation.

    It became a weekly thing with other people sending in plate names they did or didnt get.. About 4-5 weeks into the column series... a plate showed up in my mail from DMV, and sure enough... there it was... in all its glory..

    It read::::


    I held on to that puppy for YEARS, even though I was even offered $$$ to give the thing up....

  24. Hale Ya (h**l Ya).....I have one Its just my initals and birth year. They cost $47 here and an extra $7 every year on top registration fees.

  25. I used to have a personalized collegiate plate from my univesity that said 96GRAD.  I only kept it a few years, though, because I didn't want to obviously age myself!  It ran me about $150 a year, including the regular registration renewal fee.

  26. pawzoff

    they costs about 15 -20 dollars. (I think , but i am not sure)

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