
Who has Witnessed a fatal gory(resulting in death) car accident?

by  |  earlier

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who was it? and what happened?




  1. I saw a man on a motocycle get hit head on by a speeding car. He died. It was very sad and nothing that I'd share in great detail.

  2. southbound 2lane hwy driver slides off into ditch person 1mile behind while rubbernecking at the other driver driver goes across median and hits head on northbound driver driver behind them goes across median to avoid accident and  hits car that slides off into ditch

    southbound semi has slowed down and stoped at this point as well as lane next to him person shoots around him using the brakedown lane gets sucked into the ditch and then back on the road barley missing the two in the ditch oversteers  and slides sidways until rolling into the median

    9 involved 5 died

    i was the semi

  3. I've SEEN them on film, I've heard about them from my parents, but until my military service in Korea, i NEVER actually saw a person in a SERIOUS car accident. And you don't want to either.

    It will scar your mind...forever.

    As a Recovery Vehicle Operator (M-88 HERCULES)

    I was called upon to do serious accident recovery on Main Battle Tanks (MBT's) and other military equipment lost in difficult terrain and or crashes.

    One night I was called to a hillside just below Seoul South Korea to rescue and recover three soldiers riding in a military 5 Ton truck tractor, M-54 hauling an 8000 gallon load of gasoline

    It had went over the edge of the roadway and landed on its side about 75 ft down a 65% slope.

    The tanker had suffered a rupture hole large enough to drive a  motorcycle through and gas has spilled all over the hillside.

    Thank GAWD it was not California or I would STILL be there filling out the paperwork and fighting the environmental beauracacy .

    The driver was killed outright as he had been impaled on the steering wheel hub. The center passenger and right seat passenger were alive but the right side passenger had exited the vehicle door (door had come completely OFF the truck on impact) and was crushed between the window frame and the exhaust stack (see the photo) with his head literally jammed into the space between the window and the stack.

    I had to leave all three IN the truck until I could get a battalion colonel to release 5 tanker truck to load up with water to flush the site to reduce the chance of fuel ignition. The right passenger died at 4:30 that morning and the tankers arrived shortly there after. This kid in the center was not all that badly hurt but I stayed with him until I could direct water on the site. For two hours we flushed water down that hill and pumped fuel OFF the damaged trailer. Then, I eased the M-88 down the hill and secured the tanker shell by cable and drug the whold unit up almost to the top where we then proceeded to rip, pry, twist, and cut metal to extract the guy in the middle.

    At 1 PM the next day, I called the job and left it for the base compound, Camp Rice, some 22 miles away.

    It was something I had never counted on seeing, and I haven't seen anything like it since. When I see kids running their cars at high rates of speed and acting like a fool, my mind often goes back to that evening some 41 years ago and that hillside and those two dead soldiers.

    You don't want to go there.

  4. My best friend was in the passenger seat and i was driving. I was drunk as f*ck and i wrapped my car around a lightpost going about 150km. I was knocked unconcious but when i woke on an ambulance bed, they told me my friend had split his skull open on impact and died instantly. I have still never forgave myself. R.I.P Ricky.

  5. I didn't see it happen but I did see the mangled wreckage soon after it happened.

    When I was in high school, 5 girls (2 of whom were friends of my sister), on their way back from lunch apparently traveling at about 90mph, the driver (15, unlicensed) lost control of the car, hit a light pole on the median, which sliced the car in half.. only 1 survived. The only part of the car that was left in tact was the steering wheel.. I will never forget that, it always reminds me to drive safely, and was a horrible wake up call to everyone.

  6. Came across a head on collision on a deserted road, 1 minute after it happened. The driver of one car lost control in a bend and speared across in front of the other car going in the opposite direction. 2 died in one car, including a baby flung out of the car by the impact. The driver of other one had extensive injuries. This in the days was before they had seat belts.

    Not a lot I could do. I sent a passing motorist for help which eventually came around 3/4 hour later.

    The injured driver begged me to get him out of the car which I did. On reflection, I shouldn't have, as I could've injured him more. Luckily I didn't.

  7. A friend of mind die in a auto crash the night of graduation....1975.....

  8. seen a Holden Hz ute wrap it self around a power pole, killed the 2 passengers immediately. he went trough a red light at about 170 km hour got hit by car on the rear end and put it sideways into a power pole. pretty gory site DONT RUN RED LIGHTS!!!!!!!!

  9. I watched a 17 year old classmate commit suicide by driving his car into a tree at 100+ miles an hour. He was kind of an ***. But, I felt sad. No one knew that he was going to kill himself. He was decapitated instantly. I will never forget that day, nor will all who were there I imagine. He taped a picture of his estranged girlfriend to his steering wheel and killed himself.

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