
Who has a Mental Alarm Clock?

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And Do You Exclusively Use Your Mental Alarm Clock, or do you use your Mental Alarm Clock and a physical Alarm Clock?




  1. Personally, I can 'set' my mental alarm clock to wake me up at a specific time (i.e. 4:13), and I truly cannot remember the last time it failed to awaken me within 1-2 minutes of the time set.  I use no alarm clock.  When awake, I can usually (90+%) tell the time to within five minutes, but not necessarily 'to the minute', as when I'm asleep.  Exhaustion does not appear to affect this ability.

    It's the one and only 'incredible' ability I have, and I've been able to do it since I was a child.  I'd love to be the subject of a study or two which seeks to explain how this is possible.

    Of an interesting nature:  I do not wear a watch, specifically because relying on such a device dramatically inhibits my ability to tell time simply 'by feel', both when awake and asleep.  I have a theory (which I'd love to see tested) that if others were to abandon their watches, they'd find themselves with this ability as well.

    Hope some of you found this interesting.

    David K.

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