
Who has a PS3, and what dya think of it?

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If you have a PS3 leave a message on what you think about your PS3 and if you want leave your PSN ID.

I have a 60gb PS3, got it on the first day it came out. I think they're awesome and my user is: Fallen_Hero_666

P.S: Could any hateful XBOX fans or other gaming fans NOT leave hateful messages, thank you.




  1. I have to admit PS3's are the most awesome game consolees ever way better then Xboxes especially the internet on them

  2. Wow, no Xbox fanboys on here yet!  I have a 60gb PS3 and it is AWESEOME! Great investment.  PSN: AL3X930

  3. I got mine about a year ago, and absolutely no regrets. I find the extra features (wifi ready, web browser etc) are the best because I wouldn't specifically pay for them, but since I have them I use them regularly. Great.

  4. man the ps3 brings it to the extreme i love mine like a child loves candy  

  5. Amazing!

  6. its a sick system..

    ps metal gear solid kicks booty

  7. Best gaming system with sickest games. When I just got it (long time ago) and I turned it on, wow, that's truly a next-gen thing!

  8. i will be getting 1 soon

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