
Who has a better chance of winning the presidency now? ?

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Who has a better chance of winning the presidency now? and why? I personally would like Obama and Bidin to win.




  1. Obama/Biden stand a much better chance of claiming the white house..experience issue aside..has anyone ever heard of her doing anything over the 8 years..ok 4 years?..i havent heard her name ever mentioned in any political circles or talks and i am a news junky..this just doesnt make any sense at all

    btw  did you know or should we say did McCain know that she is under investigation by congress for the firing of a state official?  that doesnt happen unless there are serious grounds for such

  2. Well, in my opinion, McCain may have handed Obama and Bidon the election in choosing a female as a running mate. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, but that's just what this Republican female thinks.

  3. I think it will be close, it will be sooooo interesting to

    see the debates coming up!!!

    I like the rep ticket, but they need to have tolerance, it is what America is based upon.  Freedom of religion, and freedom of the  people and their right to persue happines.

  4. I spent a good deal of last week meeting women at the Dem convention that vented ill will because their woman was snubed as a llegitimateVP choice!

    My money says Governor Palin more than tips the scales in favor of the Republican ticket...and I believe Sen Biden will have his hands full debating this young fem fire cracker!

  5. McCain STILL.

  6. Obama is more likely the winner, but it's not over yet.

  7. Its too early to tell really.  No one really knows Palin yet or what she is bringing to the table.  As long as she can stand up for all the great things we are hearing about her, the race should remain as close as ever

  8. I believe that your wishes will go up in smoke in just a short time.

    Already people have forgotten the pomp and circumstance of the democratic convention.  The foolish, toothless grins of people who were invited to attend this bizarre event, it reminded me more of a jesters convention than a historic event to nominate a party's choice for president.

    The speeches of people designated to talk were virtually flawless.  It appears that everyone learned the art of teleprompting before they spoke.  What a wonderful invention that teleprompter, it makes fools look like statesmen !

    Fast forward to the Republican convention.  I predict a more conservative and much less raucous showing by a more mature and dignified crowd.  People dancing in the aisles will not be in evidence, but a show of strength and unity will prevail.  Here, the training wheels are already off and have been for some time, unlike those fools in Denver.  The party of Lincoln should enjoy a whopping bump in the polls !

  9. Obama/Biden 08

  10. Seriously Obama-Biden will enjoy a landslide victory.

    Not so serious Pee Wee Herman-Sponge Bob could defeat McSame-Palin (Who?)

  11.     Statistically speaking, if the elections were held today Obama would most likely win.

        McCain had been making progress in the polls until the Democratic Convention.  Many of the most vocal critics pointed out that it was staged and the speeches were read. The criticism went largely unheard; the polls increased favoring Obama.

        The next day McCain released his running mate, while criticism came for and against her, voters were more undecided but leaning Obama still but by a smaller margin (some claim, a statistical dead heat).

        Wait until the Presidential and Vice-Presidential debates. These are some of the last variables that will affect the race for the Presidency.

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