
Who has a better personality?

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happy people or serious people.which and why




  1. Neither.

    Happy people could be simply blind to realities, whereas the Serious people could be blind to the realities too ~ and that come tomorrow, the problem vanished, was resolved, was fixed etc.

    The 'better', as you blithely term it, is a matter of balance ~ between the two.

    It reminds me of the excerpt from an 'update' of an old poem......

    'If you can keep your head

    whilst all about you are losing theirs,

    BEWARE  ~

    maybe they know something that you don't!'


  2. Happy people. Even dumb happy people are more fun to be around than serious solemn people

  3. Happy people rules because happiness is priceless serious people is good sometimes but not all the time .

  4. I am a serious person who strives to be happy and that is what I like other people to be like. I like people to be themselves and I think being happy is healthy. I think being serious is fine also if we are at peace with it then we will feel happy.

  5. I like a good combination of both. I think you can be both serious and happy.  

  6. Well you are comparing two qualities that are both very possible.  Happy people are not always foolish and serious people are not always depressed.  I would personally choose both.  Happiness is always preferred, but seriousness has it's time and place as does the ability to laugh.

  7. People are not that black and white I'm afraid. Everyone has an element of both in them, it's how we're able to to survive.  

  8. Hello. I don't think either is better since both have a place in the world. But out of preference I would probably rather be around happy people to counteract my seriousness. Good bye.

  9. Happy, serious people are all " thats not funny, go do your homework" smiley people are like :D hi whats your name omg isaw a cat, his name was bubblegum,i saw as squirell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  10. Happy people. It is such a rarity these days to encounter a happy person!  Happy people are easier to get along with, for one small example. Too many people today seem to be so melodramatic.

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