
Who has a bigger cult following, Obama or Osama?

by Guest21582  |  earlier

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Who has a bigger cult following, Obama or Osama?




  1. Why you position Obama with Religious Terrorists freaks?

    Here is one for you too:

    Who has a bigger fascist cult following: Hitler or McCain?

  2. I would say it's a TIE.

    *  Both want America to pull out of Iraq.

    *  Both want the United States to pull back from the War On Terror

    *  Both want the US economy to take a dump

    *  Both hate Bush

    *  Both want to destroy America's freedom

    Seems to me that both share the same ideaology only one wants to destroy our country by force, the other wants to destroy our country from within.  

  3. Are you calling U.S. voters cult followers? Have a little respect for the average voter.

  4. They have the same fan base, so they're tied.

  5. Obama

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