
Who has a child that is non stop crazy with energy all day until they literally pass out?

by  |  earlier

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because I do... and Im tired :)




  1. I have 2 of them lol. I've given up trying to tidy the house while they are wake! Roll on Thursday when they are back at school

  2. Full on children can be challenging however their spirit for life is so beautiful to observe.  

  3. i had 2 kids like that.they are now 9 and 12, and it will get better (for you). between activities at school and after school, they dont have much energy left,lol.

  4. Lol, i have 3 boys ages 4,5&8 who all are full of energy from the moment they wake up (6:30 am) until they pass out at night (7:30-8 pm) they have always been this way. My suggestion to you is to find other ways to direct that energy so your child isn't bouncing off the walls and destroying things. Put that energy to good use, my sons help with things around the house like seperating the laundry and even in the yard, pull weeds help rake. Eventually they learned how to fall asleep a little earlier and a little easier. Now they also enjoy relaxing a little with a book or fall asleep mid day for a nap. It's not a bad thing to have an active child you just need to learn how to focus all that wonderful energy they have and we need!

  5. I do, he is 5 and omg!!!!  I thought once he started kindergarden he would chill out a little.. NOPE! He is just more crankier and crazy.  I had to go to the eyeglass store to get glasses and he ate about 5 or so skittles on the way there... oh man i wish i didnt let him, he was doing laps around the store.. it was so embarassing, i asked him to sit down and he did but he was still movin about like crazy! He was such a calm baby and toddler.. it didnt start till he hit about 4, and im afraid of the years to come!!  He doesnt have ADHD, he is just a typical hyper little boy lol.

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