
Who has a greater chance of losing their life? A dangerous criminal on death row or an unborn baby?

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Who has a greater chance of losing their life? A dangerous criminal on death row or an unborn baby?




  1. The unborn.  Here's a solution to the death row dilemma wherein inmates argue that hanging, gas, electric chair, and lethal injection are "cruel and unusual" punishment - why not use the same procedure that doctors use during partial birth abortion.  If it's good enough to kill partially born babies, it shouldn't be considered "cruel and unusual."  Thoughts.

  2. Hands down it will be the child.

    What I fail to understand is the Lefts application of putting more value into the life or a murderer over the life of a the unborn child. And to add insult to injury is the notion of women's rights. How is it a women's right when half of the aborted are females. Females that didn't have a voice. Or is it that the women's movement did exercise a voice in their behalf. A voice that said "we will sacrifice you on the altar of women's rights".

  3. The baby has a 50/50 chance.  The criminals life is a done deal.  I do see your point though.

  4. the baby because it can't pay taxes and it can't support the lazy *** ***** that popped it out and didn't want it.

  5. The baby is in far more danger. If it took 15 years of appeals before the baby could be aborted, it would be a different matter.  Might be a good idea.  

  6. A criminal.

    Because unborn is not alive.

    This is not a political question by the way.

    President Bush proved this by doing nothing for six years.

    Total power, and all who thought this was political were laughed at.

  7. There have not been 44 million executions of dangerous criminals

  8. With Obama in the White House, the baby.

  9. the latter

  10. After reading so many posts on here, sounds like the criminal on death row is the best place to be.  I'm shocked at all the pro choice voices on Y/A

  11. The obvious answer is an unborn baby. At least the criminal on death row has chances for appeal after appeal, and all sorts of people advocating for their life. The innocent unborn have no one, except for us pro-lifers who will defend their right to life until the bitter end. Sad, isn't it?

  12. The ratio would say a dangerous criminal on death row.

  13. Unfortunately, it most likely be the unborn baby because of an abortion

    & the "dangerous criminal on death row would just sit on death row for

    20 years or so, or just rot in prison for the rest of his life & unfortunately

    he would have a life, where as the unborn child had no say so to continue his/her life!

  14. A baby. The liberals bend over backwards to protect a murderer but clap when an abortion mill opens.

  15. If in Texas death row.

    Its one of those things trying blame killing on the  the person who sold the gun  not person killing.  Just another form of bad comparisons to get a narrow  point to be agreed upon. Manipulation is all.

    Permitting gun use is saying any crimes committed with one is the responsibility of the one permitting it when we all know its not so.

    Government does  not belong in a persons medical room nice try.  

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