
Who has a little turtle as a pet??

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Who has a little turtle as a pet??




  1. i have a very small red eared slider

  2. Turtles are creatures who require a great deal of care,diet, and special treatment. I would suggest that if you want to really keep a turtle healthy and happy you allow them to stay outside in the wild, and always stop to help them cross the road. Slow little creatures.  

  3. i do. do u? y are you asking?

  4. i had a small one for 2 years

    but it escaped ast month, while i was washing his tank thing


    have 2 that are 36 yrs old!

    and a 8 and 5 year olds..

  6. not me but i like to eat cerealin a morning

  7. i have two red eared sliders, one is pretty huge, ha. the other is kinda little.

  8. The most common 'little pet turtle' is the Red-ear Slider, which as an adult hits about 10" long, making it a rather large pet turtle that needs a very large tank.

  9. I personally wish I could have them as a pet.

    They are illegal in California:(

  10. i have a small painted turtle

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