
Who has a real synopsis of Obama's connection with the Chicago terrorists like this Ayers (sp?) character?

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This is an element in our country that get away with just about anything, it seems to me. How can someone who actually set off bombs and got a brief prison sentence be teaching at the University of Chicago. Isn't that where Milton Friedman taught and Obama etc. It gives me a certain uneasy feeling.




  1. Well, the neat thing about our country is that once people pay for their crime, they can try to become productive members of society.  That's why it's called the 'correctional system' rather than the 'punishment system.'

    Michael Dobbs wrote in his Fact Checker article, "Both Obama and Ayers were members of the board of an anti-poverty group, the Woods Fund of Chicago, between 1999 and 2002. In addition, Ayers contributed $200 to Obama's re-election fund to the Illinois State Senate in April 2001... ...They lived within a few blocks of each other in the trendy Hyde Park section of Chicago, and moved in the same liberal-progressive circles."

  2. Keep in perspective that they served on a educational board together with several other people.

    I sincerely doubt that everyone on your local school board or even home owners association marches in lock step with each other when it comes to opinions and beliefs.

  3. Umm Obama was 9years old when Ayers pulled his little stunt.  2 decades later he turned himself in to the police, they didn't charge him with anything and released him.

    Obama and Ayers were both professors at the University of Illinois at Chicago.  If he's such a huge threat why would he not get charged with anything and be allowed to become a professor?

    Ayers donated $1000 to Obama like 8years ago or so when Obama was running for State Senator.  There you go.  All the DRAMA you could have ever imagined, right?

  4. Actually in looking around the wiki one is actually pretty good for once.

    I notice in alot of the major media writeups they most often leave out the fact taht Ayers hosted a fund raiser for Obama when he was running for Illinois Senate.  

    And of course that they are long time neighbors,  that Ayers donated to his campaign and of course them serving on a board together for 3 years.

    Its one thing for Obama to have ties to one very questionable character like this but he has ties to several.

  5. There is no connection. This is utter nonsense. Why not investigate Sarah Palin's connection to anti-woman organizations like the Eagle Forum (Stop ERA) or the FFL.  

  6. Obama and Bill Ayers are closer then the media will admit.  Obama could drink blood on stage and they'd cheer.

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