
Who has a shetland sheepdog or at least thinks that they are cute?

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Who has a shetland sheepdog or at least thinks that they are cute?




  1. They are the most beautiful dogs! The only problem is that they nip at your feet as if they were herding sheep.

  2. I had one years ago.  She was a beautiful little dog and very intelligent and interesting.  The only problem was she was very high-strung and nervous.

    Sunshine (her name was) loved to chase a frisbee.  She had a frisbee that she would carry around with her.  She would drop it on your feet and then look up at you and c**k her head.  If you didn't throw it for her, she'd pick it up and drop it on your feet again.

    If you threw it for her she would literally fly after it.  She could run faster than the frisbee flew, and she'd jump three or four feet in the air to catch it.  It was amazing.  If it went into the bushes she'd fly into the bushes, all four legs stuck back, so she looked like a comet.  And, strange thing, that frisbee never had a toothmark on it.

    She hated to be left alone, and we had this heartbreaking little scene every day when I left for work.  If I left her in the yard she would dig under the fence and go off to find someone to throw a frisbee for her.  I'd get a call later that day 'We have your dog here, the kids are throwing a frisbee for her out back.'

    She was a very affectionate dog, or maybe you could say very needy.  She wanted to be on my lap or next to me every minute, and she slept right up against me all night.  If there was thunder she would sleep in my pillow, wrapped around my head.  One night I was away on a trip and we had a thunderstorm and my roommate had to lock her in another room (which I told him later I thought was cruel).

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