
Who has an imperfect body, but loves it anyway?

by Guest45525  |  earlier

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Who has an imperfect body clothed or naked, but loves it anyway? And please tell me, why do you love it?

It's a poll: The media focuses on perfection and centers on appearance, I would like to know how you have overcome or combated these images and messages in you personal life. Thanks!!!!!




  1. I do!

    My sister always used to say that the reason models were so slim was because most designers were g*y and wanted them to look like boys - no bums or b***s (unless they were surgically enhanced of course) - true or not, it made us feel better about not always looking perfect. lol

    I've always been a bit overweight and have quite a few too many 'wobbly bits.'

    I have a wonderful husband though, who always tells me that he loves me just as I am.

    After 32 years, 29 of them married, I believe him and I am happy with myself.

    My sons who are 25 and 22, say they love having a 'cuddly' mum.

    Love has nothing to do with looks, be proud to be who you are and don't get sucked in by the media image of how you are supposed to look.

    We are all unique and special in our own way.


  2. I have an imperfect body and I LOOVE IT!

    I used to hate it; I wanted to be like those models you see on TV as they were so slim and slender. I've always had clear, smooth skin. I never saw it as anything much but  now I'm super grateful with my skin. Not much make up required!

    I'm not confident enough to wear a bikini JUST YET but after a shower; there's nothing wrong with admiring how your body looks with lingerie on. I am blessed with curves and a small waist. I DON'T have a FLAT belly but you know what, I think it's s**y to have some flesh on you.

    I have BLACK hair and I looove it because it brings out my facial features and the wavy ends look rad. I don't have a celebrity smile but I've got sweet dimples and hey, I don't require braces!

    I'm NOT tall but I'm average height. It's cute alright. And it's waaay nice for a guy to cuddle you in that way ;) Makes you feel loved and I feel that when you feel loved, you WILL learn to LOVE yourself AS WELL. =]

  3. I have huge thighs, huge feet, huge nose, big front teeth, and small b***s.

    But its the only body Ive got so Ive learnt to love it!

  4. I'm a chunky dude, but I can still do a s**y belly dance.  :P

    I think I'm alright, I'm no Brad Pitt, though... I think I'd beat him in a belly dance based on technical skill, alone.

  5. I'd love my body if only I could get rid of all these blasted feathers!

  6. I work out, and I am in pretty good shape, but in no way perfect. I have cellulite, i have belly fat, but when I'm naked, I feel HOT. I could only eat what I'm supposed to, work out obsessivly, but I dont think I'd really be any happier.  

  7. I think everyone's perfect to be honest. Once you're happy and healthy.

    If I'm honest I absolutely love my body. I'm slim but I have curves and while there is one or two things I wouldn't mind changing I'm happy to be who I am.  

  8. im perfect and love my body

  9. I do......because it's the only one I got.

  10. I DO! haha im barely a size 34A and my A** is HUGE!!! but i love myself anyways :-D

  11. I do because I know I am who I am and who ever doesnt like the looks of me is to into themselves and they probably aren't a real friend. Real friends dont judge real people.

  12. i do.

    my bra size is 32 A and i used to hate it but now i don't mind because i know that i'll never have to worry about stretch marks.

    i also have a huge scar that i was going to get a tattoo to cover up but now i realize that my scar is more beautiful the way it is.

  13. Although i'm currently dieting, i still think my body is pretty good! I'm not dieting to be a skinny mini (neeever gonna happen, I have a child bearing body!!!) I'm dieting so I can do a parachute jump! I have stretch marks galore leftover from 3 pregnancies with my amazing children.I see them as my baby maps. Each one is a reminder of every kick, every wiggle, every newborn baby smile i had.

    My teeth are far from even-a lovely reminder of curling up on the sofa,sucking my thumb, watching Tv as a young child!

    Every blip, every wrinkle, every bulge reminds me of something awesome that happened in mylife. And h**l, if my husband finds m body s**y then I must be doing something right!!!

  14. I love being me :D

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