
Who has any advice about this guy i like!? NO RUDE COMMENTS PLEASE! :)?

by  |  earlier

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PLEASE NO RUDE COMMENTS!!!! anyways i like this boy he is year older than me!! he is so cute his name is david and i think he knows that i like him. but sometimes when i see him with his friends he acts like a jerk and gets kind of obnoxious! then when he is by himself or maybe sometimes with his friends he is such a sweet person!! so, should i ask him out and give him a chance or what do u think!?

p.s ive never really had a converstion with him! actually ive never even talked to him before!!! PLEASE NO RUDE COMMENTS! :)




  1. try to talk to him in a nice and  not-obvious-you-like-him way and charm him... make him like you...  

  2. before you go out with him,

    i suggest that you become friends with the guy

    and get to know him more before you make a decision.

    see what he's like and make sure

    that he's some one you really want to be with.

    you could change our mind then.

  3. He is just trying to impress his friend so don't take it literally, he sounds like a guy that likes you Hope it works out with both of you.  

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