
Who has any suggestions on how to make friends living in London as a nanny?!?

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I am moving to Cricklewood in London in two weeks, and I am moving all by my lonesome, as I know nobody over there, I would love some advice on how to make friends!

I have my working Visa, and a job as a nanny with seperate live in accomodation.

Normally travellers would make friends through work, but nannies work alone! Do I just go up to random strangers and say, "Hey! You! Befriend me!" ?!?! Or sit in a pub alone and pretend I am waiting for somebody?!?! Help!!!!




  1. * if your into politics there are American democrat and republican groups in England

    * go to and find local meetup groups with your interests like , vegetarians, religious, sports related , singles and dating ect

    * If you are religious go to Church even if your not you should go : )

    * Ask your hosts if they know someone your age who could show you around town on your day off.


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