
Who has attended St. Francis University in PA?

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I Would like to have a student opinion or review for St. Francis University. It is one of the schools that I'm trying to review for physical therapy. Thanks.




  1. Thanks for best answer to your other question and in response to the new question you asked, you get into SFU like any other school.  Good grades and a few letters of recommendation, nothing out of this world.  And drinking is not allowed on campus, people just do it anyways, even if you're 21 (except for one dorm, if you're 21, and in small amounts).  They actually have a sort of strike system: one strike, you have to go in for alcohol counseling, two strikes you go for counseling and you're on probation, three strikes, they review your case and decide whether or not to expel you from the school.  However, I have only heard of 2 people actually being expelled after their third strike and it had more to do with other drugs being involved.  The attitude of Residential Life at SFU is basically, if you have a beer you're going to h**l.  They seem to think students should spend all their free time in church.  

    The atmosphere at the school is rather conservative, which can be annoying at times.  The professors are opened minded, but the administration is conservative in their actions.  It's almost like living in two different worlds; you can go to class and really learn a lot and then when you leave class it seems like you're in high school all over again, very juvenile at times.      

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