
Who has been successful with the bates method?

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Who has been successful with the bates method?




  1. I'm trying it right now because I hate people telling me it does not work who didn't even bother to try it. Besides, I don't see anything "dangerous" with relaxing and reducing tension of the eyes. Yes, the method was created a long time ago. If it was just a scam, people would have forgotten about it. But the truth is, many practitioners today are teaching this method. People today often want quick solutions, so they go for a surgery, rather than have some self discipline and change their old habits (of using the eyes).

  2. I'll support footprintz's answer.

    An ancient book and technique, founded on some outdated beliefs about anatomy, which preys on peoples hopes and suggestibility.

    Any credibility obtained by the Bates method comes from a small minority of people with pseudo-myopia (ciliary spasm) where relaxation exercises can unlock the muscle cramp, which is all that is present.

    (I've shifted people four lines on a chart in ten minutes...)

    This is NOT a myopia cure... they were never short-sighted in the first place, but it can appaer, and be presented as "myopia cured".

    A decent normal eye examination can distinguish between shortsight and ciliary spasm and, if there's doubt, cycloplegic eye drops, (similar to the ones used to dilate the pupil, but stronger,) can quickly settle the question.

  3. You won't find any...unless someone is lying.

    Most of his methods don't make any scientific or medical sense, and some are actually dangerous. was written 85 years ago....the only ones it works for are the scammers who still sell his books.

    After 85 years...if it actually would be well known , and people wouldn't have to ask if it worked.

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