
Who has been to Mexico with a young child?

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My husband and I are going to take a trip to Mexico in August with our two year old. I used to live there (college exchange) and loved it. We're going to Cuernavaca and Morelia- we prefer the less touristy places.

We are slightly (he more than I) worried about safety, particularly kidnappings, robberies, and bus/taxi safety. While I was there, nothing bad ever happened but now that I have a child, I'm more concerned.

Any advice?!!! I'd love to hear from folks who have actually traveled there with kids.




  1. I agree with the first poster---there's more kidnappings and robberies in the U.S. than in Mexico. It's totally safe. :)

  2. The best answer I have ever seen to this kind of concern was given a few days ago...I am sorry I did not save it so I could repeat it exactly and give credit to the answerer...but...He said that the murders and kidnappings that are promnent in the news happen almost exclusively in border towns...and among drug dealers.  Occaionally , a rich businessman is kidnapped for ransom.  No one is interested in ordinary people..not wealthy, not involved in drugs. just use your common sense like you do at home.  I do know of one incident where an infant was left UNATTENDED and UNWATCHED in a stroller in a store...and was kidnapped...THIS is inexcusable and STUPID no matter where you are. Just use common sense...and have a great time.

  3. i have 4 kids and go to mex. 3 to 4 times ayear,the incidents with kidnapping is less than what it is in usa,so just take your precautions.the only thing i can tell you is not to take any jewlery  that sometimes attracts attention, and i go to monterrey a very busy city,so you should be fine in cuernava and the hotel that your staying they should be able to help u out concerning the taxis and buses,mexico is a great place   BUENA SUERTE  BYE

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