
Who has been to a nude or a topless beach? what was it like? would you go again? where did you go?

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Who has been to a nude or a topless beach? what was it like? would you go again? where did you go?




  1. I absolutely love the nude beach and have been going for the past 5 years.  Nudity and the beach are a great combination, but be certain that you've found a legal, or at least socially accepted nude beach before getting naked.

    Do some research, and you'll be surprised at the number of nude beaches that exist, even here in the relatively conservative United States.

  2. Been to a few.  They vary quite a bit.  In many places of the world, going nude or topless is as natural as wearing a swim suit is in other places.

    Other places are considered clothing optional, but going nude is the exception and there may be many gawkers.

    I'd definately go again.  Once you do it a few times you realize that wearing a swim suit on a beach makes about as much sense a putting one on to shower every morning.

  3. I live in Malaysia, there is no nude beach, besides it is illegal here to go nude in public. But looking forward to go for one  when I travel abroad. I always love to be nude.

  4. been nude many time there is quite a few nude beaches down here in southwest England

  5. Been to nude beaches many, many times.  My wife and I married on a nude beach.

    Our favorite is Red Rock Beach in Marin County.  Very laid back.  A few gawkers, but they're pointless twits.

    It one of our favorite ways to spend a weekend.  Just relaxing after a tough work week.  Watching the waves, reading, and relaxing.

  6. My first nude experience was More Mesa beach when I was an undergrad at UC-Santa Barbara. Since that time I've been to several more in California and a quasi-nude beach at a resort in Jamaica. Each beach has a unique feel (Black's in San Diego has soaring cliffs with hang gliders aloft overhead) with a usual complement of regulars.

    For the most part nude beach people are a laid back fun crowd. Occasionally there are the looky-loo pests but they are a minor nuisance in return for the fun and freedom of going to the beach without clothes.

  7. Nude beaches are the best. I always look for the nude beach.

  8. Never been to a nude or topless beach.  I don't think I could ever go to a nude beach because I would be pointing north all the time.

  9. Well .. A few years ago, may be 7-8 years ago, I was in Sochi (Russia), black sea, and I saw a nude beach.. it was in 100 meters from ours.. My bf was in shock)) he refused to join) and he was very against my being topless. actually topless beaches is common thing, in turkey, for example. I was there was like .. well.. common)

    ha ha I remember one turk, perfume saler, came close to me and whispered by tremulous voice "2 free perfumes for 1 night with you" I bursted out laughing and he added "3 free perfumes " LOL

    yes i would go to a nude beach) but i didn't see any of them for last years

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