
Who has been to paris france?

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if you have what is it like?




  1. I was just there.  Not sure why, but I had envisioned a much smaller city.  It is very big and noisy and wonderful!!!  The sites there are incredible and all the really famous ones (the Louvre, Champs Elysees, L'Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame, Eiffel Tower etc) are all in the same area along the Seine.  IT makes it easy to see so many of the sites.  my family purchased a hop on/hop off "bateaubus" pass (meaning boat bus pass) that goes along the river and stops at all the main sites.  So you go to all the sites throughout the day and back to the boat area and never wait more than 15 minutes to hop back on and go to your next site.  The Louvre is very inexpensive if you go in the evening.  The food is good, but I found food and drinks to be quite expensive.  Overall it's a city you must see!!!

  2. I did... twice !!! Its amazing. You should totally go (if you're thinking about going though... lol). I went this year but I didnt go to Paris. I went to Disneyland. When you go there (to France I mean) dont forget to totally check out Disneyland. Its wonderful =D. Plus Paris is a good city to go shopping in ! LOL... Isnt that what we all want (girls of course). Haha ! So yeahh, if you're thinking of going then... HAVE FUNN !!!


  3. I've lived in Paris , right of the "Etoile".  I love it soooooooo much!  And I understand where Sarah T is coming from. There are a lot of places I want to see but something keeps pulling me back!  I feel so at home there, more than I do here.

    edit: It's a different culture! Don't expect them to act just as you do. They aren't all impressed with us either.  They think we are fake and I tend to agree.  Read the book Culture Shock! France for good insight into the culture of the French.  Paris is one of the least boring places on the face of the earth! People that complain *generally* have a poor attitude about traveling and carry strong stereotypes to begin with. France has more tourists a year than any other country in the world.

  4. boring dont bother unless you know french.

  5. First I didn't like Paris, I thought it was dirty and grey and cold and the parisians are arrogant. But I've come to discover it a bit more thoroughtly and now... I LOVE IT! I like Beaubourg, it's very animated and St Michel is a very nice place.

    I think you really have to live in Paris, to have time to appreciate it.

  6. Had a layover there on my way to somewhere else.  Hated it.  The food sucks, the people are horrid, they suck bigtime.    They have their head so far up their butts it isnt funny,  It sucked, sucked, sucked!!!!

  7. Ive been there 4 times...

    it is beautiful...are you going...

    if you are you will have a great time...

    good luck and have fun!!!

    Go to my youtube videos and watch the one of me singing...please rate it and comment it...

    my username is


  8. Wonderful!!!! One of the cleanest cities I have been to.  Eat the food and experience the culture!!!

  9. I have, twice.  

    It's nice.  Wouldn't go back a 3rd time.  No offense to the French...there are just other places I'd rather see.

  10. I loved it... I'll go there all over again...

    BUT after I see the rest of the world :D

  11. If you can describe Paris in a few sentences then you have missed the boat.  Its the 'city of light', the favored place of many an artist and home to sublime food.  It has a dark seedy underbelly (as almost all cities do) but it also has remarkable things lurking around every corner.  There's sexual deviancy and artistic brilliance, devoted Catholics and uninhibited hedonists...  

    ...and a few bombed out cars from disaffected minorities.  (and thats just scratching the surface)

  12. Hello, I have been in Paris only once but it was great. From the airport (CDG) to my hotel (in Bercy), the whole city is beautiful. The diversity in the city is awesome, you can see people from all over the world, and places like Montparnasse, Monmartre (bohemian parts of the city) are just incredible, with all their cafes and restaurants. The city is full of activity all the time and all the city is worth the visit, even the peripherical sectors, such as Bobigny. All the time you're in a wonderful atmosphere and the night life is fantastic.

  13. I  did a semester in Paris, and thought it was a beautiful city.  Yeah there are sketchy areas, and some of the people can seem rude, but what major city doesn't have these elements.  I think if you try to speak French, Parisians will appreciate it and act a little nicer to you.  

    The museums are great, the metro is great even though it can be insanely crowded during rush hour.   I think my favorite place there was Pere LaChaise it was a good contrast to the hyper energy of the rest of the city.

  14. Ppl have compared Paris to NYC.  Paris is world class, full of life and lots to see and do.  Some unflattering stuff has also been said about Paris (often by French ppl from smaller cities and towns).  The ppl in Paris like working ppl in all big cities are harried.  It really does help if you can speak some French and a lot of the Parisians were helpful in giving directions (esp. older couples taking a walk after dinner and not in a hurry).  Paris is definitely worth a look, but before you go, visit your local bookstore and get a good guidebook (and read it on the plane if not sooner).

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