
Who has been treated for depression?

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I'm 18 and I'm pretty sure I have depression. I've been to therapy (didn't help, but I hope to find the therapist for me) but I've never actually taken anything for it. I'm just really fed up with the twinges of sadness I feel everyday and never being truly happy for too long...and I've been feeling like this since, like, 7th grade.

If you have been diagnosed with depression - can you please tell me your story, how you're being treated and how you feel now compared to how you felt before treatment? I'd really appreciate it. Thank you. <3




  1. i suffer from depression and social anxiety

  2. im 14 and have had depression since i was 9, ive been going to classesand getting doctors advice and whatever, its a load of **** i feel worse than ever and now that i understand the world more, im harming myself more and becoming more of a threat to myself. the docots dont listen and they think they have me summed up but they really dont, i think i would be cured by now if they did have. i dont mean to dissapoint you i just wanted to share m views, but you might be a lucky one, if luck even egsists.

  3. I suffered from anxiety and depression for several years.. I tried hypnotherapy, medication, CBT..some of this helped but I have now decided that only I can get myself out of the rut that I got myself into. Now I try to look forward to things and focus on the positive things in life. I still wake up low sometimes but I make myself go out or ring a friend and it soon picks me up :) GOODLUCK

  4. I have had those types of problems too, I have been in and out of counseling. most of mine is triggered by break-ups or situational problems. But I find that being on Zoloft really really helps. I have also tried Buspar, get the DR. to put you on medications. I know nobody wants to take them but research shows more than 1/2 of the population has taken an depressants at one time in their life.  

  5. I am diagnosed as havign major depressive disorder with manic episodes. Every medication I have ever taken left me feeling lifeless. I had absolutely no emotions, good or bad. I dealt with that as I felt I had no other option. When I became pregnant with my now 2 year old, my psychiatrist refused any medication...once I gave birth she refused still because I was breastfeeding. When he was 9 months old I again became pregnant. I am doing so much better OFF all the medications! Sure, I have bouts of depression, even the mania. But they aren&#039;t as bad as they used to be.

    A good support system is important. Talking to a GOOD therapist or an even better friend is key to keeping things in check.

  6. I was diagnosed when I was 15 and they put me on Zoloft. I stayed in therapy with a therapist I liked alot. You have to find someone who your comfortable with and is really helping you. Cognative Behaviorla Thereapy is very helpful. You dont have to dig up **** you just have to figure out what you can do differently to be happy and put that into motion. While I was on meds I was able to function well enough to figure out how to change my life. I gained ALOT of weight though. After about a year of being on the meds I realizes that a large part of my problem was that I was feeling sorry for myself and dwelling on negetive instead of rejoicing about the poisistive things in my life. I finally said s***w it and took myself off the meds in small increments until I was totally off. I still have days that suck and where Im sad but I just eat a pint of ben and jerrys and then think about it in perspective. If its not deadly then it probably isnt something worth worrying too much about. If I cant control it then I shouldnt worry much about it either. The serenity prayer still helps me (god grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to know the difference).

    Like I said find a good therepist, only use meds if you absolutly have to and only use them as long as necessary.

    Hope I helped and things work out for you!

  7. I have had depression for many years.  I&#039;ve been going for therapy and taking medication(s) for a long, long time.  I am doing better most of the time.  It is important that you take care of your depression while you are still young.  The longer you have it, the harder it is to treat. Please get some help so you can feel better soon. Good Luck.

  8. I&#039;ve been treated for depression many times in my life.  I&#039;m currently on medication for depression.  Talk therapy can be helpful, but if your depression is an organic thing, ie; an imbalance of your brain chemistry, you&#039;ll need meds to put you right.  This doesn&#039;t mean that you have to stay on meds 24/7 for the rest of your life.  I cycle in and out of depression and will have a period of 5-6 years between bouts of it.  During those years, I am off all meds.  For me, the difference is amazing- only two weeks after going on meds this last time, I felt true happiness again, the way I used to as a kid.  Please as your doctor to consider this treatment.  I hope you feel better soon...

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