
Who has been worse cousins or fev?

by Guest62024  |  earlier

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seems to me ben hurts himself

while Fev actions could hurt others




  1. Both the same....They have hurt many people in their lives.

    If It's's bad.

  2. Fev bought himself and his club into disrepute, Ben took the whole bloody game down with him, and just for another one, Carey isnt doing anything to help footballs image either

  3. Ben didn't hurt anyone but himself and he has an addiction which he admitted to.

    Fev screwed around on his wife and baby and heavens knows what he hasn't been caught for drugs included

    Ben brought the game in disrupt in Australia

    Fev did it overseas and made us look like a bunch of yobbos.

    Ben has paid the price for his stupidity I doubt Fev ever will.

  4. i think ben cousins, his are far worse

  5. I think fev has been worse. only because i respected ben a lot more than i ever respected fev. yeah ben has done lots of stupid things like drugs but at least he is getting help. fev doesn't even realise he has a problem so he is the one that really needs help.

  6. cousins for sure, if all blokes where honest we have all had a pee in public before and many off us will again in the future.

    Sure he shouldn't have done it but don't hang the guy for it.

    Cousins is a drugo, got no time for drugo's... do drugs do the time, regardless of who you are... And carey, what a joke that bloke is, the King THEY SAY.. KING OF THE DRUG TRADE

    No one has forced them to do drugs, they decided all by them selfs and thought that they could get away with it... Lock the b******s away with all the other crims

  7. cousins he's a #@%$ing druggy

  8. Cousins by a long way, fev never has taken drugs

  9. Fev he cheated on his wife with Lara Bingle who she cheated on Michael Clarke, but Cousins does drugs but at least he doesnt cheat on his wife of girlfriend (Dont know if he has 1 anyway)

  10. fev

  11. both lots of actions hurt the team as well as themselves...

    and both dont seem to learn from their actions....

    i would say ben though due to how he conducted himself during everything

  12. Cousins for sure because all fev did is urinate on a Prahan restaurant window. Cousins was caught with coke twice. But seriously, both of em are mad footy players. GO THE ROOS! WERE GONNA KILL ESSENDON ON MONDAY!

  13. BEN by far

    now will ben go to melbourne and get a camio on underbelly ... lol

  14. Fevola is a twerp. He acts like a d**n fool on the Footy Show and it is never funny. He cheats on his women, starts fights, pisses on things, and all the while thinks he is ultra cool. Finally he has a face like an elephant's butt. If he couldn't play footy he would be a nobody.

    Ben is and always will be a charmer. He only hurts himself. If he couldn't play footy he would probably be a model...definitely got the brains and looks for it.

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