
Who has better burgers?????

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Burger King or McDonalds????????

I bet most people will chose Mcdonalds but i think they have very nasty burgers, I'd rather chose a Whopper rather than a big mac...what do you guys think???





  2. burger king of course mcdonalds is so greasy and burger king is well grilled on an open flam beats mcds

  3. Burger King is

  4. Burger King definitley has better burgers. Except, that the small (kid size) burger is an exact replica of the mcdonalds one.

  5. they both taste the same to me.

  6. Burger King, because they grill the meat. =)

  7. Whopper definetly tastes better (its amazing) but after i eat BK i get sick :(

  8. Definitely Burger King.  They're bigger and better.  McDonalds' burgers always seem kinda thrown together and too greasy.

  9. Burger King ! Much better than the nasty Big Mac

  10. I like Fat Burger and In N' Out but I also like Burger King as well.

  11. I like Mcdonalds better.

  12. Only for the choices you gave, the tasty one is -

    Burger King

    You should have also given the choice of Wendy's -

    That would "out-taste" Burger King.

  13. BURGER KING!!!! their fries are much better too, and less greasy! mcdonalds' burgers are really fattening and don't even give as much as BK does

  14. I LOVE them BoTh!!

  15. Mcdonald's burgers I enjoy better. Thankfully, the company I choose also has less calories in stuff than Burger King. The misconception is that grilling makes stuff have less calories. This is totally false as a Big Mac is 540 cal while a Whooper is 680 cal.

    I still go to Burger King, but I like Mcdonald's better.

  16. burger king! McDonald have greasy burgers!

  17. The Whopper has always tasted the best to me.  Like from the grill

  18. Burger King--B-K Stackers!

  19. I haven't eaten beef in probably a decade, but when I did, I always (and I do mean always) chose BK.. I guess i liked the flame broiled taste vs. mcds greasy gross taste.

    I never did like beef.. tastes.. gross.

  20. Neither.

  21. whopper

  22. I personally like Burger King better because they are flame grilled.  Although, for some reason I like the little hamburgers at McDonalds with hot fries on a cold day.

  23. miki d's

  24. Burger King is so much better!!!!

  25. Burger King

  26. I don't like both of them but if I were to, i would say mcdonalds.


  27. Burger King, hands down!

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