
Who has better chance of making plaoffs? mets? or yankees?

by  |  earlier

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and please give intelligent answer, since i know there are dorks out there that will give smartass replies!




  1. thats a tough one. i love the yanks so i would say them. the mets do have a great team, and one of the most intimidating lineups in the game, but sO do the yankees. I have no clue. LETS GO YANKEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  2. Mets

  3. yankees, only cuz there's no way the rays will make it and the mets always choke


  5. the yankees have a high dollar team and is a great team but its long overdue for the mets,mostly because of their pitchers and offense.

  6. mets cause the yankees have to face the rays, red sox, and madonna

  7. 50/50 Yankees If They There Pitching Does Good

    Mets If Delgado stays good and beltran gets going

  8. mets do even tho the yankees have a better team and will  finish with a better record, the nl east is not as tough as the al east with tb and boston that why but i think the mets will win their division and the yankees will finish with the wild card

  9. Mets because their pitching has been great, they have been hitting the ball and they are leading in their division

  10. I'd say there is a pretty good chance they will both get there.

  11. The Yankees are a better team.  But the Mets are in a much weaker division.  Place The Mets in the AL east, and they are battling Baltimore and Toronto for the cellar.

    I's say is about even on making the playoffs.

    Hey AC Stylin:  Don't worry about facing Madonna, she's EASY ;)

  12. Mets have a better chance but the Yankees are the better team. Expect both to make it though.

  13. Looking at their prospective line-ups, i would say the Yanks, but realistically.. the METS!

    the yankees would have to get ahead of the Rays and the Red Sox who are both good teams. The Mets only really have to stay ahead of the Phils.

  14. I would say the Yankees and simply becuz they always seem to get it done.  The Mets are less relaible.  The yanks rite now are like 8-1 since hte all-star break and playing minus one Chien Ming Wang too.  They have so many veteran bats that im sure they can get it done.  This mite come at the cost of a fairy tale story of the Rays however.

  15. I support both Mets and Yankees but Im going to have to The Mets.

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