
Who has busted thier behind on the dance floor with an audiance?

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one too many !




  1. Dance recital with a hip-hop number i tripped when i was exiting stage and everyone has a video of it.

  2. several times....once at a ballet recital when i was 7...we got it on video!!! Then last yr at a pep rally i was doing a front flip and landed on my booty!! I was soo embarassed...but i would say that was good only landing on my booty 2 during my whole dance career..but i'm sure it will happen many more times. lol  

  3. No, but I've had to dive to save a partner two or three times. When I've had one or two too many, the difficult figures that might get me in trouble simply don't occur to the sotted mind.

  4. Only once, but it was a spectacular plunge from a pike 6' up to a polished marble floor during Hopak for a conference at a hotel.  Only pride was hurt.  Pose like it is part of the routine and carry on.

    Sorry no pictures, but here is another group's Hopak at a similar venue. The pike solo in this Hopak starts about 4:35

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