
Who has ever experienced a crisis apparition?

by  |  earlier

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what i mean by this, is have you ever been in danger of anything or in trouble, and the apparition of a close person, someone you are connected to , appear to you as in a spirit form, but they are alive, not dead,.. if this has ever happened to you, can you tell me what happened... >>> no rude answers please, and dont tell me its not possible....




  1. My brother & I were very close & he had gotten very sick with terminal Cancer.  I was spending my days with him & his family but was going home late after dark. One night in particular I remember having a restless night I was tossing back & forth not able to really sleep.  Than I must have fallen asleep because in a dream I could see a grey void nothing else for a few minutes just grey everywhere.  Then I saw a medium sized white bird on the ground & it was trying to fly but it did not know how.  It would flap it's wings but it could not get off the ground.  This bird tried & tried to fly & finally it got off the ground & began to fly .  It flew higher & highter . It soared like an eagle.  I was awoke by a phone call it was my neice telling me that my brother had just took his last breath & he was gone.   Till this day I believe that that bird in my dream amongst the grey void was my brother's spirit.  He had let me know that he had crossed over. & he had died.  That was 11 years ago.  Like clockwork I wake every night at 3:30 am the time my brother died wee hours of the morning.  I don't know why I just do.  Then I go back to sleep.    I don't think my story is what you wanted to hear.  I do believe you about someone being their for you in your time of need.  It is called astral traveling.  It can be done.   I know many people who can astral travel.   God bless you on your healing.

  2. I know what you mean. Don't you think this could be astral projection or astral travel? I've heard of a priest who appeared to someone who was in jail (or about to be). But, I think they said  that when they confronted this priest about it..he didn't know anything about it. That's probably the only case I know about. (and it might not be accurate..just what I heard) I think maybe some people are so close spiritually that they can come to each other through astral travel. I think that might have happened to me one time. I really don't know if I ever appeared to anyone. Well, if you astral could go anywhere, I guess. Maybe that person was already around you (or whoever) when this dangerous thing happened. Maybe an angel or spirit advised HIM to go to you in spirit. Seems like something like this happened in the Bible..but I can't remember what it was. Or, maybe an angel could have appeared AS that person so you (or whoever) wouldn't be afraid of the apparition. All just guesses!! (as usual!) lol

    Edit..I'm sending a couple of links.The first one is just about  after death apparitions..The second one is about crisis apparitions.

  3. when my dad died at 16 I did not see an apparition, but I knew he was dead. I came home to my brothers from a party for no reason, was there for about five minutes the phone rang, I said before it was answered, its my brother, hes calling about dad, hes passed away. There was no reason for me to leave a perfectly rocking party to go home at 7 in the evening. I think I had a crisis premonition.

  4. Sorry, but I don't see how this is possible.  I believe that through the power of suggestion and a robust imagination you can perceive all sorts of things.  That doesn't mean they are really there though.

  5. I just learned last night my sixteen yr. old granddaughter had a severe accident Sunday morning. As she lost control of the car and tried to regain as she fought to gain control and left the road airborn going into a ravine she saw my brother, her great uncle, who passed 2 1/2 yrs. ago and her grandfather who passed 2 yrs. ago with her. She hit several trees, was ejected from the car and it was 2-3 hours before someone noticed her headlights and called 911. She will have some surgeries for broken foot and facial bones but will fine. She couldn't know it but these two men were best friends for years and years before her birth. She never felt alone because they were with her protecting her body from the worst.

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