
Who has ever..?

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have you ever got hit by lightning or there house has ?

if so what happend ?

i am petrifide of lightning. iiim 15 and when theres a storm at night i have to sit in my mum n dads room. cant stand being alone in storms. lol sounds sad but..




  1. my pool did

    nothin happened

    just really bright


  2. Lightning struck the wires immediately above where I was standing, so I too dislike lightning, but it helps to know your enemy! Find out as much as you can about it and what to do and not to do during a storm.

  3. The chances of being struck by lightning are remote, However the safest proven place to be in a lightning storm is in a car. I believe it is called faradays cage.

  4. You wont get hit when you are in your room! dont worry i used to be the same!

    All you need to do is to get your mp3 out and just consentrate on the music! Anything to get you off the thunder and lightning thing, you will be fine!

    Apparently the cars the safest place

  5. don't worry about getting hit by lightning..things happen ..if you worry about things that may or may not happen , you worry about nothing ..worry is non productive..if it doesn't happen've worried unnecessary..if it happens  .. it's to late to worry why worry in the first place..I was struck by lightning many years ago as i was sheltering in a phone booth (you know the old red ones) and it got struck and i found myself in a puddle over the road from the booth.. ..i don't know how i got there and i was apparently i think the booth took the electricity..

  6. Someone I know had their house hit directly. It blew up all their electrics and they had to replace everthing. No-one got hurt

  7. the house up the road from us did, the roof went on fire and made a hole :S

  8. Yes, lightening struck our tv aerial about 22 years ago, you could hear this really loud rumbling/crackling coming down the wall and it blew the tv and video, it was quite freaky!!

  9. I think our house got hit.

    For a second, you could hear sizzling, and then the biggest thunder clap I've ever heard.

    You know how they say if you count the seconds between the flash and thunder you can tell how far away it struck? Well, as you could guess, it was instant and LOUD.

    It fried parts of our homes security system, which in turn, stopped our phone from working and the network card in our computer, which meant we were without phone and internet for about a week.

    Don't be afraid, I love storms, I find it comforting to think that I'm safe within my home whilst the craziness outside

  10. im 15 and i do exactly the same thing as nanas house got struck by lightning a few years ago and they are still living there...the lights blew and there are big black marks around the lites but thats all...i have really massive gum trees around my house and they fall really easy in strong winds so  im so scared my house is gonna get crushed...

    love paige xo

  11. The electric pole by my house was hit last year. It made a loud clapping sound and woke me up from sleep. Then the electric went out.

  12. no but I'm not scared because... I don't know why!!

  13. Nope but my cousin did so can't say how it felt
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