
Who has finished reading Breaking Dawn??

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okay well i just finished readin breaking dawn last night and i thought it was so cute at the end.....i wanted to :D......but i dont like how that was the end.....i wish that there would be another book on how nessie and jacob would be together......what do you say???




  1. I loved Breaking Dawn...I really feel like Bella got everything she could ever want and more. As a reader, I want to know more. I am interested in Nessie and Jacob, and would love to read their story. I am also curious about Leah...for a little while I thought her and Jacob would end up together. There is so much more I want to know and am a bit sad to see it all end. Although, I am excited for the movie and to read Midnight Sun.

  2. I really liked it, too.

    I was so happy everything worked out at the end. Go Bella and Edward!

  3. finished it last week IT SUCKED. Hated it. especially how Jacob imprints on the kid. ew. and no cool volturi vs. cullen team fight very disappointing

    Another book wouldn't be worth reading  

  4. I think that would be amazing!!! & i would also love a book about nessie & jacob together! But you don't know about her other project do you?!? i absolutely can't wait for the books she's writing from Edwards perspective, Midnight Sun! It's on her website, & it'll be coming out soon. Here's the site:

    I can't wait either!! :)

  5. yh, i finished this book recently as well and I rlly enjoyed it, but i kinda wished that there had actually been a fight with the Volturi. THere was such a big build up to it that I sort of wish it happened (even though I didn't want any of the Cullens or their witnesses to die :)

    I agree that it would be nice to see how nessie and jake turn out, cause I'd also like to find out if Nahuel makes his move on nessie... lol

    Anyway, I read somewhere that Stephenie Meyers is writing a new book called 'Midnight Sun' or something, that tells the whole story from Edward's point of view.

    I can't wait!!!! ; )

  6. After reading Breaking Dawn I felt closure to my obsession with the characters.  If she does continue with Nessie and Jake (sigh) then it will probably bring out my obsessive side yet again.  But I won't mind

    : D

  7. i agree completely. maybe in a few years she will change her mind and do another book about them. fingers crossed.

  8. yes I wish there was another book coming out!! I wanted 2 cry 2!!!lol. I do know that there is a book coming out were edward tells the story!!! I love  all of the twilight books and I can not wait for the movie 2 come out!!!

  9. I didn't like the everything was so easy for Bella as a vampire, at all. and I expected Rosie to take Nessie and run away with her or something. I expected a bigger fight, too. :( I think that the Jacob and Nessie thing is good the way she ended it. He's tied in the family, just not with Bella, and that's how mostly everyone wanted it. So, why not be happy?


  10. Thats what I thought too when I finished it! I would love for her to write a series about Nessie!

    And about that fight, it was like she had to finish the book and hurried through it, I thought there would have been more too.

  11. I'm such a nerd I ran to the store the day it came out and finished it after dinner the next day! but I loved it, and I  miss the charecters so much!

  12. Totally, I wanna see Jake watch her grow. I also want to see what happens with Quil... It really was a cute ending, but I kinda hoped for bit more conflict, you know? The whole Volturri thing got my hopes up and the suspense was driving me crazy, and in the end... No fight?!

    Ahh, well, Bella's a vampire and with Edward-- even if he should have been  with meeeeee


  13. yeaah i'd like another book to find out what happens with nessie and jacbob & to read about when the volturi inevitably come back :) guess it's not gonna happen though. awell

  14. I finished reading it the day after it came out, and absolutely loved it!! I wish it hadn't ended there, and I think it would be great if there was another book. Although, I don't really want Nessie and Jacob to be together... maybe as friends... idk... it sounds a little gross to me (if you know what I mean)!!!

  15. OMG I feel the same way. There was alot of unanswerd question. I loved the book but I wish she would make another. Hopefully shell make another book to sum everything up.

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