
Who has gotten pregnant with an IUD?

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I am curious to know if any of you have (or know someone who has) gotten pregnant with an IUD in place. I am most interested about Mirena, but all stories are welcome. What was the outcome? Did you have the IUD taken out once you found out, or did you leave it in? Did your pregnancy end in a miscarriage or did you carry your baby to term. I know this is pretty personal, but any answers would be greatly appreciated as I am going through this situation and would like to know which route you took and how it turned out. Nothing has to be sugar coated here. I would rather know what my chances are then to have false hope. Thanks!




  1. My friend got pregnant with mirena about 2 years ago. She found out when she was 6 weeks, and the doctor removed the IUD and she now has a beautiful healthy baby boy! Her cousin also got preggo with Mirena and that sadly ended in miscarriage. So, I think the outcome could be 50/50. Good luck with this, and I hope everything works out for you ok.

  2. As with all birth control- it's only 99 percent effective. The only sure thing is abstinence. My cousin got pregnant earlier this year- and she had her TUBES TIED. I'm positive that the doctor must have been high or sleeping through the surgery. To make sure of the outcomes, you can also try to talk to your OB.

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