
Who has had a pet ferret??

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What are they like?? are they smart?? and affectionate?? I heard they use a litter box, can they roam your house?? I want a very affectionate animal and also can they get along with a small dog?? thanks




  1. Smart? Yes. Affectionate? Maybe, it depends on the ferret.  Litter box? Mostly, they are never 100% trained.  Get along with dogs?  Maybe, again it depends on there ferret.  Ferrets are not timid at all.  They are quite the handful.  Do more research on ferrets to make sure a ferret is the right pet for you.  If you are looking for an affectionate pet, you may not get that with a ferret.

  2. I have two. Mine never bite or anything and I would let them roam the house. They can be trained to use a box, but mine never has. They p**p & pee in corners so Its a lot easier to track down. They are pretty smart, but they steal everything. Ferret means theif in Latin if I am not mistaken. They are so much fun. I would read up on them before getting one. They do smell a little, but mostly if you put your nose right up to them. Their cage needs to be cleaned constanly b/c they p**p/pee ALOT!!!

    ETA....Ferrets are NOT timid....they are beyond crazy LOL!! They basically have no fear. I would not leave the ferret and dog alone to play until you know for sure the dog is okay with them. I wouldnt leave my dog alone with mine or even in the same room. Even though the dog may act like its play, he could hurt them on accident. One bite on the neck could kill the ferret.

  3. they're awesome. fun as all heck. and playful. they can learn to use a box and be decent about it but still have accidents. and they can only roam if the house is ferret proofed since they can get lost or hurt easily. also, it depends on the dog. small dogs tend to be hunters. even though ferrets are predators, not prey, a dog's mouth can still pose a threat so a smaller fuzzbutt.

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